Rebecca Ramirez and Bjorn Winberg met in Los Angeles in late 2018 and quickly realized that they enjoyed a lot of the same music and authors. Both of them being Ableton users, it made it easy to send demos back and forth. Multiple E.P.s and singles followed over the next few years and the band started receiving some pleasant although unexpected gigs and attention.
Mixing punk and new-wave madness, rincs is a little bit Devo, a little bit Cramps and all around fuck yeah. Check out the surging new rock single “Henry” that is a pure raw explosion of electro-rock angst.
“Henry, which is a tongue-in-cheek tribute to Henry Rollins. “Henry” had been sitting around as a bridgeless demo for a while, but upon adding a new drummer in early 2021 and learning that the drummer was obsessed with Deerhoof, rincs asked the drummer to go all Deerhoof on the bridge, which he happily did.”