Thinking back to my childhood while riding in the back seat of my mother’s car, I remember some of my first experiences of life outside my family. Everything beyond that window was new and exciting, but out of reach. My natural inclination was to share whatever I saw with whoever would listen. My mother told me on numerous occasions that it was OK to just enjoy the things that I saw, and keep them to myself. I never understood that. When I look back now, I realize that the things I was describing were nothing new to her, and therefore weren’t of much interest. What she didn’t realize, and what I was unable to communicate, was that I saw those things from a perspective that she probably never considered.
Digital video has become my medium of choice for expressing myself to those around me. This accessible format offers innumerable ways in which to present your voice. By voice, I mean your perspective on the world, what you believe strongly enough to tell an audience. By using extra features found on most digital cameras, I am able to manipulate video in much the same way that Renoir and Monet were able to finesse paint on canvas to express a feeling or impression of a given subject.
Most DV cameras have options that go unnoticed by novice users, and under-utilized by professionals who see them as functions for novice users. My personal favorite is focus, but solarize, gain, and simulated shutter speeds are just a few of the functions that can help to make your video unique. I’m not suggesting that you go out and use these options randomly, but if you use them sparingly and purposefully they can enhance your image or message or both. Visual representation of ideas or poetry, music videos, and pure abstract art for art