The musical project known as Owl City was created by Adam Young in 2007. His electronic music made him a Platinum performer with the hit single “Fireflies” on the album Ocean Eyes. His new record All Things Bright and Beautiful continues that trend and brings him on tour this summer.
Hi, Adam. Do people call you Adam or Owl?
My parents call me "Bugs," my friends call me Adam and my fans call me "Hey dude" or "Excuse me, Mr. Owl Man."
Where did the name Owl City get its start?
A great question. My sister once had a pet owl when she was in 5th grade and it got loose in her Sunday School room at church. Somehow the poor bird found its way into the air ducts and ultimately wound up flapping around the ceiling of the sanctuary during old Pastor Anderson’s epic sermon. People cheered and clapped until the owl got tired and landed on a pew back where my Dad took a flying football leap over four rows of pews and made an amazing tackle. It was just one of those priceless memories that has never left me.
Your music grew out of
I happened to be in the right place at the right time when was booming and labels suddenly started calling and everything just kind of happened. It was pretty surreal for someone who never expected or necessarily wanted musical success.
Were you musically inclined growing up?
I was more of a skateboard guy. That was my dream. Out of boredom, I mowed lawns all summer and bought my first synth and that’s what ultimately kindled my passionate love for creativity.
Are you from a small town?
I am from an industrial/farming community of about 20k people. I still live there and I love it to death.
I have interviewed the singer Lights in the past, how was it touring and recording with her?
She was a tremendous joy to work with and I have so much respect for her as an artist. Touring with was a dream come true for me and I really can’t say enough wonderful things about her both as a brilliant creative mind and a person.
Do you like doing movie projects such as Alice in Wonderland or Legends of the Guardians?
I absolutely adore them and it’s always been my dream to have a hand in the composition/recording/editing of film scores. Working in film is where I want to end up someday whenever the electronic pop thing ceases to amuse me.
What inspired the new album?
My imagination played the biggest role. I grew up an only child so I had to invent my own entertainment and ways to keep busy. That carried over into music writing and so I merely just let my imagination run wild. There are some quirky things in the new record that even I don’t know where they came from. I like that though. I like ambiguity.
It has a more aggressive tone to it.
That was the plan. Bigger songs, more dynamic, big drums, huge guitars here and there, smooth and polished production.
Is that a Back to the Future car that I spotted in "Deer in the Headlights" song?
Indeed. It was a blast driving that thing, the actual car from the films. I couldn’t believe it. Thank goodness I didn’t get a speeding ticket.
Lights is in the video! Is there any romance there?
Nah, we’re just buddies.
Aragon Ballroom has a lot of history to it. Is this is your first time to play there?
This will be the second time. I don’t know much about Chicago but I like playing there. The Aragon has something to do with Sinatra and some crazy underground drug espionage scheme, am I right? Maybe I’m thinking of Capone.
Sinatra played there but yes Capone had a tunnel that ran from there to the Green Mill. Those were the days! It has been a hoot talking to you. See you in Chicago!
See you there!