LISTEN: Bear Garden Brings Refreshing Optimism To Jazz Fusion On “Sunshine, Sunshine, Sunshine”

Photo Credit: Fabian Rosenberg

Directly after releasing the critically acclaimed album Up in February 2024, with the lead single “Up” receiving radio support from BBC 6 Music and a Sweden/Denmark tour in March, Swedish Saxophone player Martin Wirén entered the studio and created Bear Garden’s new single: “Sunshine, Sunshine, Sunshine.” Since the release of the self-titled debut album in 2019, Bear Garden has constantly explored new areas of music. Impossible to determine genre, like a chameleon between a messy improvised expression, jazz, soul, and pop. The focus is Bear Garden’s saxophone and melodies. 

When you press play on Bear Garden’s “Sunshine, Sunshine, Sunshine,” you are immediately welcomed with the warmth of soulful jazz. The bright and happy-go-lucky single features blaring, colorful saxophone work that is accompanied by equally soulful vocals. There is a slight funk to the whole piece that creates captivating danceability while soaring harmonies give the listener the sensation of flying. There is a simplicity in the midst of the overjoyed chaos of the arrangement that keeps the track humble and quaint. The repetitive lyrics are emphasized by the soulful vocal performance, and the steady drum pattern gets a splash of color from the subtle keys. Bear Garden makes their optimism infectious on “Sunshine, Sunshine, Sunshine.” The jazzy outing is overflowing with heartfelt performances that melt over one another to find a blissful fusion track. 

“The song is composed in a similar way as ‘Up’ and ‘Hey Ye Ye Yeah,’ but it builds on a more happy summer vibe with a clear Soul and R&B inspiration,” explains Wirén. “On ‘Sunshine, Sunshine, Sunshine,’ I use saxophone, flute, vocals, and choir, which creates an interesting color on my musical palette. The saxophone and the vocals merge, becoming like a duet between the voice and the instrument.”

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