Cake Release Second Ringtone of New Music

Cake, one of the most principled, enduring, self-reliant, and best-selling artists in post-alternative rock–debuted their second ringtone of the recently recorded song titled “Federal Funding” this week.

The multi-platinum iconoclasts are currently in the midst of recording their sixth studio album and sharing the results with their listeners first, via a series of six free ringtones. Each ringtone is based on a song from the group’s upcoming album and is only released to Cake listeners who are members of the band’s mailing list. Every six weeks, a new ringtone from a recently recorded Cake song will be sent out to all of the group’s mailing list members up until the new album launch during Spring 2010. To sign up and download the new music, visit:

Says trumpeter Vince Difiore: "The next ringtone that we are offering comes from the song ‘Federal Funding.’ We approached this song at a time in the album process when we were fired up and joining forces most vigorously." Adds lead vocalist John McCrea, "’Federal Funding’ is a song we had lying around for quite a while. Now seemed like a good time to release it."

Cake’s new project is being written, rehearsed and recorded entirely with solar power. The group–who were recently honored as one of the top 10 “greenest” bands on the planet in a special issue of Billboard–teamed with Borrego Solar to convert their entire Sacramento recording studio into solar power. The innovative group documented their break away from the city’s energy grid, as illustrated by this video of Cake’s solar conversion: The group’s decision to record their forthcoming album entirely with solar power was made for both artistic and environmental reasons.

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