JEFF The Brotherhood is Jake and Jamin Orrall of Nashville, Tennessee, owners of Infinity Cat Recordings. The bare bones duo, just guitar and drums, played 230 shows last year and were hailed by Spin magazine as one of the “must see” acts at this year’s South by Southwest. Their new album, We are the Champions, is eleven tracks and a short 35-minute. It’s packed with jagged scuzzed-out guitar riffs that hop between Weezer style chunky rhythms, sharp, classic rock swagger, and blasts of powerful punk power. Self produced, the record was recorded by Roger Moutenot who has previously worked with indie rock luminaries Yo La Tengo and Sleater Kinney. While the music is undoubtedly stripped down, the boys play with dynamics enough to create a vibrant aesthetic that alternates between fuzzy mid-tempo jaunts and loud, intense sprints.
At the end of “Endless Fire” the brothers showcase their psychedelic leanings with a spacey organ jam and then late in the album, on “Health and Strength”, throw a wicked curveball by mixing acoustic guitar, sitar sounds and a hint of groove to create a compelling track absent of in-your face guitar. Swirling and gently lysergic, the brothers should continue to indulge their whims. Creativity equals expansion.