Much ado has been made already about “I Like It Small”, the lead single off Vanishing Point, the ninth solo album from Seattle grunge icons Mudhoney. Is it about dick size? Is it about the intimacy of the venues the band likes to play in? Apparently, both instances are correct, as Mark Arm and company kick off their 25th year serving as the ultimate alternative to commercial rock with their rowdiest, rudest and most rambunctious set of songs since Piece of Cake. You’d think that as the band lurches deeper into their 50s, their sound would reflect the politically driven psychedelic sprawl of their early-to-mid 2000s pair of aces in ’02’s Since We’ve Become Translucent and 2006’s Under a Billion Suns. But on the contrary, the savage sarcasm of Arm is on full display with a set of some of the funniest songs in the Mudhoney canon yet, including a rail against touring musician excess on “Chardonnay”, delusions of friendship with “I Don’t Remember You” and the self-explanatory closing number “Douchebags on Parade”, all powered by the Stooges/Sabbath axis of their leaner days. Mudhoney might like it small, but Vanishing Point packs one giant wallop.