Kenny Beats Leaves No Beat Unturned On Stand Out Debut ‘LOUIE’ (ALBUM REVIEW)

One way or another, your ears have been infiltrated by the music of super-producer Kenny Beats. Whether it’s his work with hardcore group IDLES or the undeniable character he provided for Vince Staples across multiple releases from the rapper, Kenny Beats has been working his ass off to get his music heard from anybody and everybody. The list of artists Kenny Beats has worked with is as diverse as his influences, at the core of all this work though is a producer who is genuinely a music nerd and wants nothing more than to make the best song possible for the artists he works with. After years of crafting meaningful instrumentals for countless artists, Kenny Beats is ready to step into the spotlight himself. LOUIE is the debut solo project from a genre-bending producer, the 17-track album is filled to the brim with beautiful arrangements and flawlessly chopped samples, giving the album its vibrant personality. 

The first thing to point out is how carefully this project is crafted. Beats had every possibility to call in features from the laundry list of artists he has worked with, instead, there are almost no vocals on LOUIE. With the exception of short verses from the likes of Slowthai, JPEGMAFIA, and Pink Siifu, Beats lets the instrumentals breathe all on their own, allowing these songs to be a true representation of his creativity. The craftsmanship on LOUIE is undeniable, no beat cut gets wasted and every layer added throughout these tracks only enhances the full-body experience that is this debut. 

LOUIE sounds like it is soundtracking the best day ever. Smoother cuts like the off-kilter “Moire” and the jazzy, soul-infused “Last Words” guide you on a walk around the neighborhood while the celebratory nature of songs like “Hold My Head” and the danceable bounce of “So They Say” sound like your casual stroll led you to an outdoor DJ set of rare drums and dance circles. Each track bleeds into the next, no song steps on the proceeding one allowing the album to play like a novel. There is a story being told through the structure of LOUIE so listening front to back is a must for first-time listeners, you wouldn’t start with the third Rocky movie.  

The kaleidoscope style of beat-making on this album leaves no rhythm unturned and not a second wasted. The bridges add depth and vibrancy while Kenny Beats’ unpredictable approach to his arrangements as a whole gives LOUIE a cinematic feel. What really matters is the subtlety on here, whispering keys and quick spurts of vocal samples add texture but never seem out of place, adding just enough spice to keep the minimalistic tone of the album consistent while keeping your ears open for every last detail. 

Kenny Beats lives by the motto “Don’t Overthink Shit”, a reminder to himself and the artists he works with to let the music flow naturally and avoid stressing about the final product. Despite his appreciation for minimalism, Kenny Beats debut solo album LOUIE is a highly thought out, well-crafted collection of instrumentals that are meant to be put on repeat. Everything down to the smallest detail feels purposeful and proves Beats’ has a genuine infatuation with the craft of beat-making and is hellbent on squeezing the most out of every element on every song. 

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