LISTEN: Leila Dandan Offers Potent Folk Introspection On “Hung The Moon”

On “hung the moon” the recent single from 19-year-old singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer Leila Dandan is a poignant and honest exploration of disillusionment and letdowns. Dandan’s powerful and smooth voice is accented by rich swirling layers and harmonies as the protagonist continues to discover how far one can fall off a pedestal. “hung the moon” is a short but potent folk introspection that at just around 2:00 can feel like, to quote Dandan, “sooner or later still came way to soon”. 

Usually, the whole writing/recording process takes a ton of time for me— I get stuck pretty often. But when that’s not true, it’s because I’m writing a song I really need. It happened with “screen door,” a song off my first album, and it’s happened with a couple of others, but I couldn’t have written “hung the moon.” faster. I finished the song and had a master recording ready within a few days. Writing “hung the moon.” brought me an indescribable amount of comfort, and I hope this song will bring that same comfort to anyone who can relate to it.

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