Manic Monday: Rage Against the Machine “Know Your Enemy (Feat. Maynard James Keenan) Live Glastonbury 1994

It’s officially July, which means it’s that special time of year when many folks start celebrating America’s upcoming birthday by drinking excessively, lighting loud things on fire, and taking a questionable amount of pride in something they had absolutely no control over (i.e. where they happened to be born). It can no doubt be a jubilant time of year, but if you happen to find all the fervent/bush-league nationalism that characterizes the season mildly or moderately annoying for various reasons, this righteous performance of “Know Your Enemy” (which features a special appearance from Maynard James Keenan), might be the perfect antidote. After all, Rage Against the Machine was one of the best American bands to emerge in the 90s, so, technically, it’s kind of a patriotic choice if you think about it. Whatever the case, this live version rips, so be sure to play it loud: 

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