Independent online music retailer CD Baby has now paid over $10 million
dollars directly to musicians for CDs sold worldwide through their online
store at
CD Baby’s easy consignment system has given every musician access to
worldwide sales and distribution, without having to sign away their music to
a record label.
While record labels are blaming piracy for a lack of sales, music sold
through CD Baby has almost doubled every year for the past six years.
“It’s easier than ever for music fans to find great non-mainstream music,”
says CD Baby founder Derek Sivers. “So what’s reported as a sales decline
for a huge pop star is actually a sales boost for the less-famous but
more-talented musicians of the world. We sell thousands of CDs a day by
artists you’ve never heard, but will love when you do.”
Now, as one of the primary suppliers of music to digital download services
such as Apple iTunes, MSN Music, Napster, Rhapsody, Sony Connect,
MusicMatch, and more, CD Baby is helping artists everywhere get their music
out into even wider distribution.
CD Baby has been a launching pad for later-famous acts such as O.A.R., Jack
Johnson and Gary Jules. Other already-famous artists such as Thomas Dolby, George Clinton, Grant-Lee Phillips, and Beach Boy Al Jardine have chosen to use CD Baby’s unique distribution service to release smaller projects directly to their fans.
CD Baby now represents over 75,000 artists and labels, making them the
largest seller of independent music on the web.