As the Pixies’ reunion tour plows ahead, singer/guitarist Frank Black plans to release two albums’ worth of material recorded earlier this year in Nashville, with a solo trek to follow. As tipped here this summer, the first release will be titled “Honeycomb” but the second has yet to be named.
“In the spring maybe, but the labels take f*cking forever,” Black tells of a potential release date for the first set. “It’s not like the old days when everyone use to release a record every five months. Now, everything is so calculated and so precious and so careful.”
The Nashville sessions, which were literally finished days before Black joined his former Pixie bandmates on the road, feature an array of legendary players, including the Band’s Levon Helm, Bob Babbitt, Spooner Oldham, Dan Penn, Duane Jarvis and Steve Cropper.
While Black says “Honeycomb,” which is finished and contains such songs as “Lone Child” and “My Life Is in Storage,” is “magic,” the remaining album “has so many people playing on it, we have to kind of wade through it to find the magic.” As for the creative direction of the sessions, one word describes the entire project.
“Mellow,” says Black. “It’s just the way it came out. Maybe I wrote a little bit in anticipation with playing with those kinds of guys. But they are definitely pre-punk, these guys. So it’s not like they don’t get it, it’s just that they come from a different world, where it’s a little more groove-oriented. They don’t necessarily play loud.”
“It’s not necessarily not tough or not aggressive but it’s just… I think of Leonard Cohen as being mellow but I don’t think of him as being wimpy,” he continues.
As for the Pixies, the band is currently being followed around by a camera crew for an eventual DVD release. Black hints a possible summer 2005 street date for the set, documenting the reunion tour, as well as backstage interaction between band members.
Black remains elusive when asked if a new Pixies studio album could be in the offing. “I don’t even know,” he says. ” I think the next time we go out, if we go out next summer, there won’t even be the record out yet. Like I said, these record companies take forever.”