I hate the fact that music is divided among race lines. I hate that there is “black” music and “white” music. The musical color line serves only two purposes that I can see: 1) institutional racism within the music industry, and 2) lazy marketing departments within the music industry.

Now, I’m not a religious man, but I like to think that God doesn’t much care about the race of musicians. I like to think He gave Jimi Hendrix mad skills as kind of a joke on white people, and He gave Eminem mad skills as a joke on black people.
But what has the Big Man done to help His children sing? What gifts did He lay upon His African offspring that he denied to their European siblings? And did he bestow a certain musical something-something on his pale children that he didn’t share with their darker brothers and sisters?
Smithsonian Folkways Recordings (SFR) has put out a couple of interesting CDs that look at “black” and “white” gospel music. One is called Classic African American Gospel from Smithsonian Folkways and the other is Classic Southern Gospel from Smithsonian Folkways. Read on for more…