October 3, 2008

Televised Tune: On The Tube This Weekend

This weekend brings us three must-see documentaries on the ol’ telly. First up, Dean Budnick’s fascinating Wetlands Preserved returns to Sundance this evening at 9PM. At 11PM don’t miss the

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Review: The Dodos @ Museum of Fine Arts

I’m not big on writing reviews of concerts or albums. I’m more of a compile information compare/contrast kind of guy, that’s why I like writing Cover Wars every week. But

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Tour Dates: Vote For Change In Philly

In what’s become a regular occurrence in the weeks leading up to this year’s election you can pencil in another rally, this time in the potential swing state of Pennsylvania.

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LoC: You’re BOTH sellouts!

I hardly even know where to begin this week. The financial crisis is just plain crazy — but expected. Phish has come back which is just plain crazy — but expected. Last week, I went on a mini-rant on artists coming out to show their support for a particular presidential candidate and I’d like to stick with that theme this week. It all started from a quote I found on my daily tear away calendar aptly titled “Stupid Things People Say”:

“I’m not very politically involved. And I don’t like to talk about it. I mean, if you say you’re a Democrat, that’ll turn off Republicans and that’s half your fan base.”

The quote comes from Lindsey Lohan, which I still have hanging on my office wall next to my George W. Bush quote of “The great thing about America is everybody should vote.” You know what though? She’s actually correct in my opinion. Granted, she has since decided to turn into a lesbian so I can only assume that’s turned off half of her fan base anyway.

READ ON for more of this special bonus edition of LoC…

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LoC: We’re Not Gonna Take It!

No, we’re not gonna take it, we’re not going to take it ANYMOREEEEEE!

Finally, I get to use the Twisted Sister song! I really wanted to find a clip from the movie PCU when the “We’re not going to protest” protest occurred, but I couldn’t find any clips from that speech. Relax though, Jeremy Piven is still a genius.

On a serious note related to protests I’d like to introduce you to War Child.

War Child’s mission is the following:

War Child International is a network of independent organisations, working across the world to help children affected by war.

War Child was founded upon a fundamental goal: to advance the cause of peace through investing hope in the lives of children caught up in the horrors of war.

War Child works in many different conflict areas around the world, helping hundreds of thousands of children every year.

Under the Radar Magazine has teamed up with several musicians to make their own protest signs, have the artist autograph them and then auction off said signs for funds to go directly to the War Child organization.

READ ON to check out some of Jennifer’s favorite protest signs…

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Rob From U-Melt Remembers Shea

For the past two years Rob Salzer of U-Melt has been our go-to Mets fan. On the occasion of Shea Stadium’s closing and tonight’s U-Melt show at the Highline Ballroom, we asked the guitarist to share his thoughts on the Metropolitans home from 1964-2008. Take it away, Rob…

Many people say Shea is a dump, and needs to go. That may be true for current stadium standards, but also seems to be a superficial idea seeing as how the money needed to build Citi Field could actually feed an entire third world country.

That said (and I really think it needed to be said), I think more Mets fans loved Shea than otherwise. The very first baseball game I ever attended was in Spring of 1982, when I was all of three years old. Clearly, I can’t remember much about the experience – but I do know the Mets we’re playing the Cardinals and took the game to the tenth inning. Fittingly, they lost one to nothing against the then superior Cardinals.

READ ON for more from Rob about the closing of Shea Stadium…

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Leftovers: Best Phish Comeback Coverage

It’s been quite the week around these parts. We all knew Hidden Track would have plenty of coverage of the Phish Reunion, but we didn’t realize how many major news

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