March 5, 2012

Bassnectar To Release New Album VAVA VOOM

Lorin Ashton aka Bassnectar is releasing the album, VAVA VOOM, on April10th via his own indy Amorphous Music label, which he has utilized as a launching pad for a series of groundbreaking releases including 2010’s Timestretch and 2011’s Divergent Spectrum which reached #3 on the

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Mike Portnoy of Adrenaline Mob/Dream Theater (INTERVIEW)

Mike Portnoy is laid back,  cool, and relatively calm despite all the hysteria going on around him. When he called to talk with Glide last month, he was holed up in a recording studio in Nashville doing a new album with Neal Morse.   That's in addition to his new album called Omerta with his band Adrenaline Mob and another new album with his other band Flying Colors.

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