ben sollee

Ben Sollee: Inclusions

Throughout the entirety of Ben Sollee’s second solo album, Inclusions, there’s a struggle waged between genre, between metaphor and the literal, between engaging and utterly distancing. Over the course of the album’s eleven tracks, Sollee presents music that jumps between traditional pop/folk and atonal structures with the ease and whimsy of a single chord, revealing Inclusions’ central investigation of aesthetic pollination. If anything, it appears that Sollee desires to question the experience of listening to and identifying with music.

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Tour Dates: Welcome To The Machine

Last year, Gillian Welch’s longtime musical collaborator Dave Rawlings released his first solo album A Friend Of A Friend under the clever moniker – Dave Rawlings Machine. The album, which

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Ben Sollee and Daniel Martin Moore: Dear Companion

Superficially, Dear Companion appears to be a protest record, one with songs aimed squarely and angrily at the target – in this case, the horrifyingly irresponsible act of mountaintop removal coal mining. You can read all about the proceeds going to Appalachian Voices (an organization dedicated to stopping the practice) and about how three musicians from Kentucky – Daniel Martin Moore, Ben Sollee, and Jim James – came together to write about their love for their home state. But Dear Companion isn't full of the fire and brimstone you'd expect from musicians trying to make a point about a controversial issue. Instead, the record uses honey in place of vinegar, and the result is an experience with a broader worldview.

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