Celebrity Twitter

The B List: 10 Ladies Worth Following

Back in April when we launched the @Hidden_Track Twitter account, we kicked things off with a B List of 20 Twitter Feeds to Follow. Number One on the list was Grace Potter (@gracepotter) of Grace Potter & the Nocturnals. The HT fave was an easy choice thanks to her consistent updates and behind-the-scenes pictures from the road. Though Potter was the only female in our list of 10 Bands to follow, there are plenty more worth following, and here’s 10 more Women who rock and are worthy of a follow.

1. Amanda Palmer (@amandapalmer)

Palmer is highly engaging of her rabid fans, often stirring conversations about whatever is currently relevant in her life. She also drops info on secret “ninja” shows alerting followers to when and where to catch her.

2. Neko Case (@NekoCase)

Case is quick to reply to her followers and is great at updating from the road. Her recent tour with My Morning Jacket was well documented by her 140 character updates.

3. Lilly Allen (@MrsLRCooper)

Though Allen seems to be more interested in tweeting than making records these days, her feed is entertaining and at times controversial. Never shy to tell it like it is, Allen’s tweets can be as sharp as her tongue.

READ ON for seven more ladies worth following…

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