Technology Tuesday: TuneIn Radio – Falling In Love With Radio All Over Again

There’s never been a more exciting time to be a music lover. Technology continues to expand the myriad of ways to connect with new music and like minded music fans. Instant, easy, free access to music is a goal that many people continue to pursue. While there are scores of services that will play customized “stations” (Pandora, Slacker), allow you to listen to your own music (Google Music, Subsonic), play tracks on demand (Grooveshark, Last.FM) or explore new music (Spotify, MOG, Rdio), there’s nothing quite like listening to compelling DJs, great radio stations and interesting radio programs from around the country and around the world.

TuneIn Radio’s tagline “It’s time to fall in love with radio all over again” is apt. Long before Mumford & Sons’ albums trickled into Pandora, before they were licensed for Spotify and before you heard of them, there were countless DJ’s across the country spinning their tunes. Still to this day, radio stations are the ones exposing artists, discovering music and playing it for the masses.

This week we will look at TuneIn, a service which gives you a way to not only listen to 50,000+ radio stations across the globe but also tune-in to stations that are 100% band-specific (Phish, Beatles, Springsteen, Grateful Dead, Dylan, etc.) Additionally, giving you easy access to every internet-only radio station like Bonnaroo Radio and an ability to record (PVR for the radio!) makes TuneIn a huge winner.

READ ON to find out what TuneIn Radio is all about…

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Technology Tuesday: Memolane – Replaying the soundtrack of your life

There’s no doubt that all your senses can trigger profound memories from the depths of your mind. Certain smells conjure up vacations spent half a world away, childhood memories and other events inextricably tied to a particular aroma. However, nothing for most people, hard core or casual music fans included, can place you at a time or place in your life the way hearing a particular song can. Music is the soundtrack of the “movie” of our life, constantly playing like the background music of a motion picture. It’s omnipresent, always playing and a great way to “bring you back” to a particular time.

What if you were able to make a timeline of every song you listen to and were able to browse through this timeline of your life? Well you can. This week we will look at web service called “Memolane”.

Memolane bills itself as a place to “See, Search and Share” your life. Through a variety of connected services, Memolane aggregates a ton of information and presents it in a neat & clean timeline that can be shared privately with friends, to the public, or not shared at all.

READ ON for more on what Memolane is all about…

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