Greensky Bluegrass and Infamous Stringdusters Keep the Bluegrass Jams Flowing in Boston (PHOTOS)
On Friday, January 28th, jamgrass outfit Greensky Bluegrass was joined by the Infamous Stringdusters at the House of Blues in Boston, MA.
On Friday, January 28th, jamgrass outfit Greensky Bluegrass was joined by the Infamous Stringdusters at the House of Blues in Boston, MA.
The Infamous Stringdusters traffic in a particularly gripping style of bluegrass, and listening to their new album, Silver Sky, is like sitting on the edge of your seat at the end of a great suspense flick.
The Infamous Stringdusters premiered a video for the lead track of their fourth album.
Words and Images: Allison Taich
Northwest String Summit @ Horning’s Hideout, July 16-18
The Northwest String Summit (NWSS) celebrated its ninth anniversary July 16-18, 2010 at Horning’s Hideout in North Plains, Oregon. The three day music festival hosted by Yonder Mountain String Band (YMSB) included a cumulative nine hours worth of live YMSB, plus an outstanding roundup of string musicians including: Danny Barnes, Darol Anger and Great American Taxi. The Rhythm Devils and moe. both joined the fun electrifying the otherwise acoustic lineup.
There were several factors that set the NWSS apart from all other music festivals I have attended. For starters the grounds of Horning’s Hideout were immaculate. The layout was full of rolling hills, thick forests of lush browns and greens, a streaming river, pleasant lakes, wooded camp grounds, fearless wild peacocks and the list goes on. Every personality I crossed was more exceptional than the next; fans who attended wanted to be there, they were there for the music. There was no seedy scene, no pushy or undesirable individuals, simply people looking to celebrate acoustic music and have a good time. At nighttime the forests echoed with the plucking of strings from varying campsite jams, followed by the hoots and hollers of excited festival goers.
Music wise there was only one stage meaning one band played at a time. There was no overlapping, no running back and forth, no missing portions of sets and no need to leave sets early in order to catch another band. Each band laid down a winning performance making it hard to select a favorite. It seemed that every performance was charged by audience enthusiasm and energy. Bands reciprocated by churning out some of the wildest sets of acoustic music. READ ON for more from Allison on the NWSS…
Infamous Stringdusters began their career as a super group of Nashville pickers that blew away fans and critics with their caliber of songs and jaw-dropping instrumental skills which transformed into an impressive live act. On their latest release, Things that Fly, they had the privilege to record at Dave Matthews’ Haunted Hollow studios in Charlottesville, Virginia and enlisted renowned producer Gary Paczosa.
“I’m here for the [Squash] Blossom Boys,” said the young attractive gal next to us. And from somewhere behind, we overheard patrons chatting up the talented and “knock-your-socks off” headliner, on the last leg of their winter tour, The Infamous Stringdusters.