Land of Confusion

LoC: Black Clouds > Restless Wind

May 3, 1999 might not be an important date to many of you, but it is to me. On this day, Oklahoma saw some of the worst tornadoes known to man. Along with my family and friends, I survived. But not everyone was so lucky…

The following day I traveled from Oklahoma City to Tulsa to catch a show of the String Cheese Incident and Gov’t Mule co-headline tour. Along I-44, I saw more destruction than I had ever witnessed — with the exception of the Federal Building. An entire outlet mall was demolished along with gas stations, homes, and everything else that was in the way of the F5 that struck that day.

Wind has an awesome power. I think we can all agree on that. My grandfather once told me a joke that goes something like this:

Question: Why is it so windy in Oklahoma?

Answer: Because Texas blows and Kansas sucks.

If you don’t get it, then you either know nothing about geograpy, or Big 12 sports. (Side note: I’m a OSU Cowboys fan, big props to the Pokes for almost handing it to the Sooners yet again — better luck next year!)

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