the slip

The Barr Brothers: The Barr Brothers

The sweet closing tracks are punctuated by the crowning final minute of “Held My Head,” a gorgeous blending of instrumentation. Throughout the album, precise musicianship, appealing song-craft and intertwining waves of melancholy and joy create a balanced collection of ten songs, an excellent early-morning album to accompany the rising sun.

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Bloggy Goodness: SPIN’s Nevermind Tribute

As we mentioned yesterday the latest issue of Spin magazine is dedicated to to the 20th anniversary Nirvana’s seminal album Nevermind, with the cover story dedicated to answering the question

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Sonya Kitchell

Sonya Kitchell established herself as a breakout artist at age 15, when she recorded the album Words Came Back to Me and found herself performing on TV talk shows, notching respectable sales and collecting many a glowing review. Now 19 years old, the Massachusetts-bred singer/songwriter is back with This Storm, an accomplished effort that combines folk's searching sentiments with pure pop bliss.

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The Slip: Paradise Rock Club, Boston, MA 2/23/07

The Slip's switch from loose jazzed-out odysseys towards verse/chorus/verse-oriented songwriting has played a big part in their recent break into the mainstream. This same progression is what has led many critics in the blogosphere to obsess over the aspect that they have gone from the “Jam-scene” to the “Indie scene.

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Glide’s 4th Annual Best of 2006: From the Artists’ Perspective

Everyone makes their standard "best of's," top 10s" and "year in review" lists, but each December we like to take that model a couple of steps further. We go straight to the artists to see where they found inspiration over the past twelve months, and we don't stop with just album choices. We dig a bit deeper and go for a broader picture of the past year in art. From classic moments on the road to their guilty pleasure confessions, this is a panoramic snapshot of "the best of 2006," and a peek into what to expect in '07.

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