Cover Wars: “Trey Week” Edition
If you’re familiar with Cover Wars, a Tuesday staple here at Hidden Track, you know we take a song covered by at least a few artists, embed audio and video of different artists covering the song – and have our readers vote on the best version. Since it’s Trey Week, we are putting a different spin on it. For this edition of Cover Wars, we have a compiled a collection of ten different TAB covers. Since there have been so many different lineups of this band, we have kept it to just covers that have been played by the rhythm section of Tony Markellis & Russ Lawton and the horns.
And since we’re mixing things up so much, we’re going to allow you to select the three that are your favorites, and not just one.
The Covers:
C’mon Baby Let’s Go Downtown (Crazy Horse) Last Played: 10/23/2008
This Crazy Horse cover was debuted on the Trey ’99 tour and one of the few covers to get plays by both Phish and Trey’s solo bands. Missing in action for over six years, it reappeared on Classic TAB tour to open the 10/21/2008 show in Providence, RI.
Audio: 6-11-2002
READ ON for nine more TAB covers and to vote for your favorite three…