Happy 75th Birthday Bill Bruford (Watch King Crimson Live ’82 Frejus)

Happy 75th birthday to the renowned, inventive drummer Bill Bruford, who was born on 5/17/49. Bruford was the original drummer for Yes from 1968–1972. Bruford was the touring drummer for Genesis in 1976 and the U.K. in 1978. Bruford was the drummer for King Crimson during their most inspiring eras, including his playing on albums Larks’ Tongues in Aspic, Red, Discipline, Beat & others. Retired from the stage in 2009, he completed his Ph.D. proving drummers can become doctors – let’s hope we see Bruford behind the kit again. Watch Bruford perform with King Crimson in 1982 live from Frejus.

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