Ten years ago today (9/27/11), Wilco released The Whole Love, their eighth studio LP and their first on their own label dBpm. The Whole Love featured more abstract learning songs that covered all gamuts of their discography from the spirally “Art of Almost” to the Being There type singalong “Capitol City.” This was a valiant effort following the underwhelming (in Wilco terms) Wilco (The Album) from 2009,
According to a press release, the label will release “all future Wilco recordings and more,” and will be distributed by Anti-. Frontman Jeff Tweedy added, “This is an idea we’ve discussed for years. We really like doing things ourselves, so having our own label feels pretty natural to me. And, to be working with Anti-, a label that has its roots in a label that was started by a punk rock guy to sell his own records, seems like a perfect fit for us.”
Check out the LP in full..