Out of all the songs that Laura Marling could have covered from Bruce Springsteen’s vast catalog, we would have likely figured it would have been something from either of his stark acoustic records – the brilliant Nebraska or its 1995 follow-up of sorts The Ghost of Tom Joad
. Instead the folkie-chanteuse, who will release her fourth studio album Once I Was An Eagle
next Tuesday, threw us for a bit of a curve ball, teaming up with Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter Eddie Berman for an unexpected take on Dancing In The Dark for The Lab TV.
The track, which appears on The Boss’s mega-selling 1984 record Born in the U.S.A., is a classic unapologetic 1980’s bar rock anthem, and famously featured a young Courtney Cox in its music video. For their take, the duo stripped the tune down to its bare bones, turning it into a gorgeous acoustic folkie-dirge with the assistance of an accordion and violin player. Let’s check it out…