A debut record like Vampire Weekend’s self titled release has a lot of stigmas attached to it. Like most bands from New York City, they seemed to have emerged from out of nowhere, and while it appears that they have blog nation to their back, indie rock is a rough terrain. The VW posters that have been wallpapered across Manhattan will surely be covered up with something different by next week.
But once you actually listen to Vampire Weekend (XL Recordings), it’s a relief to find out that the blogger-buzz takes a back seat, and the album – which never gets too high or too low – leaves the listener feeling completely satisfied. Held together by its flourishes of northeastern mannerism, Vampire Weekend skims over the garage band playbook, and adds as lush layer of synths, harpsichords, and vocal harmonies to an already favorable, Strokes-y equation.
Tracks like “A-Punk,” “Bryn,” and the closing number, “The Kids Don’t Stand a Chance,” are as irresistible as cold beers– and once again, props are due to the good folks at XL for their commitment to quality material. It’s hard to imagine anyone not getting sucked into Vampire Weekend’s whole-hearted goodness, and in fact, I’d be concerned about anyone who didn’t. Hype may be one thing, but it’s hard to argue with a solid record that guarantees a good time with every spin.