Since every blogger and their mother is at SXSW covering 3,000 bands you’ve never heard of, we figured we’d give you a SXSW-free edition of Hors:
- How a band can reach that fellate-able level
- Don’t Wakarusa Langerado!
- Gilberto Gil gets back to North America after an eight-year hiatus (Ace will be there tomorrow night at Carnegie Hall)
- Friday night KVMW (Kimock, Vega, Molo, and White) played their first gig, and it’s already available for purchase from
- Ozzfest posts tour dates for this summer’s “free” tour — still no lineup
- Here Comes The Flood looks at covers of Pink Floyd’s Interstellar Overdrive
- moe. has finally started making recent shows available for download
- The return of the Fish
- MoonShine Still is beginning a coast to coast tour this week
- Does Everyday Companion’s Ted Rockwell ever sleep? Here is yet another edition of EC’s podcast
- Sonic Youth will be playing 1988’s Daydream Nation in its entirety this summer
- George Weiss’ My Morning Jacket photos from Langerado hit Papa Glide
- A new edition of Concerted
- Start the week with some live Zeppelin
I also saw the Levon Helm Band this weekend and everyone in the balcony around me was sitting. Do you usually sit or stand and dance at a concert?
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sitting during a show blows unless it’s classical music!
Most people in the orchestra tried to sit at one point, but one person stood up and the rest followed. Whoever that person was, they are my hero. The orchestra was rockin’ and the cheap seats were lame? Strange doings!