With Eddie Van Halen reportedly embracing sobriety, the Van Halen reunion rumors are once again bubbling up to the surface. If that happens, the Van Halen brood may be going up against two former members of the ol’ band who are staging a reunion of their own. Sammy Hagar and ousted bassist Michael Anthony are kicking off a huge 60-city, cross-country tour in October.

The show will begin with Micheal Anthony’s Mad Anthony Express playing a set of early Van Halen rockers. Hagar’s Los Tres Gusanos will follow by performing I Can’t Drive 55 and other gems from his solo days. Finally, Anthony and Hagar will team up to lead The Other Half through all of the Van Halen hits that Sammy sang. The only date that has been announced so far is the July 12th, 2008 tour closer at Busch Stadium in St. Louis. Live Daily is reporting that all of the tour dates will be posted on Hagar’s website shortly. We anxiously await…
I can’t wait to hear what Eddie and Alex have to say about The Other Half. Eddie has always taken all of the credit for Van Halen’s success, and he can’t be happy that someone else is trying to profit off of the VH experience. Hopefully this news will light a fire under his ass and lead to the David Lee Roth/Van Halen reunion/shitshow that we’ve all been waiting for. Eddie’s son/bass player Wolfie just turned 16, so he can drop out of school on a whim. Let’s do this!

Leave us a comment below to let us know if you have any interest in either of these tours…we’re envisioning reluctant interest.
- Previously on Hidden Track: Runnin’ With the Devil: Part 2; The B List: 2nd Generation Rockers
0 Responses
Every time I see that first picture I think David Lee Roth is about to jump off the top turnbuckle with a flying elbow. Now I hope he doesn’t kill his wife, his kid and himself.
Is that Van Halen or Poison?
I’ve got $50 and it’s going to Sammy and Mike. Sammy at least communicates with his fans. Van Halen simply ignores them for 20 years and expects us to be there when he sobers up.
I’m a Sam guy, always have been, always will be. With that, I would still pay any price to see this tour. Start with a couple of shows (Vegas) then decide on a multiple city tour. 90 days on the road for someone coming out of may not be good for anyone.
Life goes forward for everyone and people need to be happy in what they do. I’m a total VH fan….Sammy, Dave, etc..it doesn’t matter. I love it that Sammy does his own thing and is successful at it and I love his music as well……10/13 was a great album, among others! DLR is a bit of a nut case which anyone with half a brain can see, but he is entertaining. I would pay to see any version of VH, Hagar on tour whether it is true VH, Los Tres Gusanos, The Other Half, The Waboritas, etc. I probably wouldn’t pay anything to see DLR solo.
EVH getting his act together is a great thing. He obviously is one of the greatest talents of our time and we want to hear more from him. Life has beaten him down, as it does all of us, and I hope he is on his way to getting happy. He has alot to live for>>>>>>”don’t worry be happy” and get those magic fingers back on the strings and ivories!
Van Halen has always been my favorite band, BUT if they think I’m gonna waste my money going to see them replace Mike Anthony with some 16 year old kid….! They got another thing comming. If they are gonna do a Classic Van Halen reunion, then they need to drop the B.S. and do it the right way.
That would be like me taking my 5 year old on tour with my old band and having HIM play bass!!! Come on! Get real and wake up Ed!
A Classic VH reunion is Eddie, Alex, Dave and MIKE. Nothing more, nothing less. Don’t rip the fans off.
I have nothing against Hagar…not really, I mean, what was he going to do? Say “no” when he was asked to join Van Halen? That would have been a seriously stupid career move. BUT every tune that came after Dave left the band sounds like a beer commercial…Eddie’s experiment with synth should have began and ended with Jump. The Other Half can do their thing…I won’t be paying to see them. But Roth on stage with Halen again? THAT I would pay to see. No real Halen fan can possibly consider the Hagar-era true Van Halen…not even Eddie, ALex, or Mike (if they’re being honest with themselves). I think that the one good thing about Wolfgang being involved is that he can tell his Dad and Uncle “um…look guys, you need Roth back if you want to rock again.” Amen.
Poison ain’t even a pimple on Van Halen’s Ass.
It’s sad to see and hear Michael Anthony singing Van Halen songs. He’s horrible at best and the Hall of Fame show proved that!!! Good Luck to Sam and Mike on their summer tour, it must be nice making money off of others hard work and talents. If I want to see and hear a cover band I’ll wait for the GnR show!!!!!!
To Dave:
Moronic doesn’t even cover your statement. Imagine every VH song without Michael Anthony’s backing vocals. You wouldn’t have the band that you had at the time. He had lead vocal duties prior to Diamond Dave but VH needed a Showman. With David Lee they got an “ok” singer but a stellar Showman. With everyone in the loop you had a great band. And as far as making money off of other “hard work” well, He worked just as hard for the right to play and sing those songs if he wishes. And at the very least with Mikey you have a stand up guy who gives the props to those he road the wave with, you have a guy that has a chance to take pock shots at Eddie and his brother but doesn’t, you have a guy that only says nice things about them even after he was forced to sell his rights to the songs JUST SO HE COULD TOUR WITH THEM AND SAMMY ONE LAST TIME… Even if Mikey was the WORST SINGER in the world I’d gladly pay him $50 bucks a ticket to see him sing the old tunes then sit at the alter of Eddie and pray that he could get his crap together and pay him $120 for the possiblity of a “so so show” like in ’04.
I hope that Ed has gotten his crap together and I hope that he goes out and plays like a Mo Fo… but at least with Mickey I don’t have to guess at where his priorities are, his priorities are to his fans.
Rock on Mikey, no matter what these bozos say…
I agree that Mike’s got a “right” to sing all those tunes if he wants. The question is, who really wants to hear Mike and Sammy wail through “Why Can’t This Be Love” and other crap from the Van Hagar era? Mike is honest and I totally wish Eddie hadn’t given him the boot…yeah his backing vocals are very much a part of Halen lore. But if you’re gonna pay $50 to see anyone, it’s gotta be Dave and Eddie, not a Sammy and Mike snoozefest.
No Michael Anthony = No Van Halen. I’ll be spending my money to see Sammy and Michael, THAT will be a fun show. Anyway, there’s no way in hell this tour with Dave will happen, fool us once…
u know what all these guys rock espicalliy if its van halen i cant say ill pay to see sammy and mike though .love to see em with van halen .i have to go with van halen .anything from halen rocks roth era van hagar era or even gary was great i thought they all rock and are great .it just dosent seem like u can have all 3 in one but lets keep hoping for the vanhalen reunion
Sammy is from the Bay Area, where I live. He actually lives the image that he portrays. He’s part owner of a high end tequilla bar, he came out to play with Bob Wier for a free Earth Day concert and he’s just generally a good guy. Either shows could be great or it could suck, it’s all kinda conjecture cause I doubt VH would actually get together at all. You gotta go with character on this one and know that Sammy and co will give it their all, which is why I’d go see them over Eddie and Dave, even if those two got it together to go on tour, which they won’t
Sammy Hagar is a great singer, but I want to see Dave and Eddie. I don’t care who plays bass, as long as they are up to the job. And I don’t have a mean thing to say about anyone connected. I really liked Can’t Get This Stuff No More. And how do you beat Dave out of singing at the Hall. Nobody thinks that was right. Write a whole album of real Van Halen. Need ideas? Listen to where Black Stone Cherry is now, musically. C’mon Eddie, back it up. I just went to see Dio sing with Black Sabbath. You can write 12 new songs with Roth.
12 encendiary songs, about the war, about your life, about who you are as musicians. Open UP!!
Sorry kids, but I personally think that Roth Vai Sheehan was BETTER than Van Halen.
Let’s get THEM back together!!!
Mike Long–you’re wrong. Mike Anthony was the last to join the Classic VH line-up. He replaced a dude named Mark Stone. Dave was in the band well before that. Ed had lead vocal duties before Dave joined. Mike fronted his own band named Snake. That’s the history lesson for today….
hey i tell u what the problem is that some people dont have a life and noty evry body but some like the guy whose talking about chris benoit need to get a life how in the hell can anybody say something like that somebody needs to tell that loser ass hole to get a life.anyways vanhalen rocks have a good day
hey van halen fans,i heard from a source around here that eddie and dave are finally gonna tour again around september or some where in there.i hope this flys cause i never got to see dave with the boys…
Yeah, I’m hoping. But I’m getting deja vu, ’cause it was only about three or four months ago that I got all excited about a REAL Halen tour ( = not the Sammy tour) only to have the whole thing pulled from under me! I’ll believe it when the tickets go on sale…wait, scratch that, I’ll believe it when I’m watching a stage and Dave and Eddie are actually on it together…NO ROTH = NO VAN HALEN
I’m 30 years old. Sure I remember when 1984 came out, but I was merely nine years old when Sammy brought us 5150. I like both versions of VH, and it sucks that these guys can’t get their shit together for one Hall of Fame Induction and reunion tour. One set DLR one set Sammy, everyone would be happy.
come on Van Halen get your shit together with Roth and a new collection of rock’n songs for the fans to sink their teeth into and quit f…… with your fans
god bless you all ………….please start soon
Van Halen and their former frontmen are 10 pounds of shit stuffed into a 5 pound bag.
Quite frankly, both tours will suck. They will be nothing more than a group of half-assed guys pretending that life is just like it was in the 80s. And guess what? It’s not. EVH hates Dave, Dave hates EVH, nobody wants to see the kid and Sammy should go back to his role as the prizefightin’ “Tony Danza of Pop Rock.”
Save your money, get a remastered CD, put on the headphones, drink an entire bottle of tequila, and you’ll be a lot closer to the way it was than these shows are ever gonna be.
Rock and roll has really gotten sad and pathetic, hasn’t it?
“Tony Danza of Pop Rock”….hahhaha…he’s not even THAT good!
I guess if “5150” is your first experience of Halen, that’s a recipe for low standards right there. I agree…buy the remastered Roth-era cds and listen to them back-to-back a few times. After that, you’ll be ready to sell all your Van Hagar on e-Bay (you could be waiting a while)…
michael anthony never should have been fired. it would certainly be ironic if they were palying the same city at the same time.
Well, here it goes…..
I never got to see any VH shows. I grew up in the Roth era but have also enjoyed Van Hagar. Quite frankly, the “Panama” video was my all-time favourite by far. Not many have listened to Daves ’90’s solo music and I just LOVE IT! I’m not too sure about his latest stuff. The 2 VH/Roth greatest hits songs ROCK! I’m extremely disappointed that Mikey isn’t in the picture. I’ve come to see that all of the interviews (100’s) have shown that Dave, Mike and Sammy have been always courteous and respectful but will open up honestly. Eddie’s a genius and legend but not much of a PR kinda guy. That’s why Dave was the talent behind setting up the promotion of early VH. Alex seems to be the controlling one but it’s too hard to tell. As a war veteran, I could care less for bashing people with foul words. All of VH helped inspire me during the gulf war. It’s teeny-bopper and unintelligent to smite people we never met. Pardon some of my Old English spelling. I wanna see the original 4 lineup before I see any other versions live. Newman, CA.
FIRST OF ALL , he named his kid wolfegang. obviously hes trying to pass the van halen band down to his child .
i think the line up is retarted . heres what it should be
mike, alex ed sammy AND dave!!
they open with that zz top song they covered beer drinkers and hell raisers , both sammy and dave sing TOGETHER!!1. THIS WAY THE OPENING SONG IS A NEUTRAL ONE, then…..
2 git up make it work 9. cradle will rock1
3 unchained
4 so this is love
5 d.o.a
6 higher and higher.
7 good enough
8 hang em high
I absolutely LOVE the original Van Halen and canNOT WAIT for the reunion tour. Their music and David Lee Roth’s wonderful spirit of life got me through some touch times in my ealier days… So – BRING IT ON!
Dave vs Sam…both contributed to the success that VanHalen was…I enjoy all of the songs from the past…but 2 half ass groups trying to be the “real vanhalen”…come on…sounds like the CCR (Revisited) vs John Fogerty. We have seen in the past how groups that split into two sounded (Beach Boys, Steepenwolf, Temptations, GnR, etc) and it just doesn’t cut it…If Van Halen does “Dave only” songs from pre 85, then ok…and if Sammy does “Sammy only” songs from 86 on, then ok…but make the ticket costs half price. Because that is what we will be hearing and listening to. And that is a fair price to pay.
I loved both the David Lee Roth and the Sammy Hagar versions of Van Halen. Either tour would be great to see. Sammy has had enough solo success to ensure a great show. He is very talented. I am sure a Van halen tour with David Lee Roth would be alot of fun also. To argue Sammy or Dave is like arguing Apples and Oranges. It is all what you are in to. I like alot of people would love to see all of them get along and see Sammy AND Dave tour with Van Halen with Mike and even Wolfgang. It will never happen however because they all can’t get along. That is the saddest thing to me. I think when Sammy toured with Dave he had hoped one day for them both to tour with Van Halen. Too bad it didn’t work out because that would of been one awesome show. For anyone to say that any of the members of Van Halen past or present are not talented is just fooling themselves. All are talented. I look forward to either concert. Hope they both happen and I guess always deep down we can hope for a miracle and someday have them all play a show together. Peace.
Actually Steve,,, Acording to ClasicVH.com they both came into the band the same year:
In 1974, they hooked up with David Lee Roth (vocals) and Michael Anthony (bass), while gigging around town in their band Mammoth. Within a few years, they had become one of the most popular draws on the Los Angeles scene. Fans packed L.A.’s smoky rock clubs to check out Eddie’s unconventional guitar riffs and Roth’s over-the-top showmanship.
But even if by MANY YEARS you actually mean weeks/months does not negate the fact that Mikey was and is the background vocals and harmonies to the band.
Which leads to the only point I was making. Yes, I would like to see Roth come back for a tour however; if I have a choice of spending 150 bucks to see dave and a So So show (dear god please let Ed remain sober) or 50 bucks for 3 hours of what I know will be a kick ass time with Sammy and Mikey I would pick Sammy and Mikey any day of the week.
If Ed can remain sober then I think it would be a killer show. But only time will tell and if history is any indication then I won’t be holding my breath. At least I would be giving my 50 bucks to two people that love to play FOR THEIR FANS… not someone who LOVES TO PLAY ***TO*** their fans.
There’s a huge differance between the two…
hey VH was an ass kickin band when they first appeared, and back then they were something new and had the energy and attitude to go along with it, something alot of other bands at that time didnt have, and cudnt even think of holding a candle to VH. but that was when they were something great, now many moons later, and after a couple of singers, who to me just were not VH material. mind you i like sammy, but not in VH. and then to go and dump one of the best bass players you cud ever want, my guess is as good as yours as to how all this will play out in the end. i wish them luck, and if by the way, im hearing good reviews during the start of their tour, i will make damn sure to see them if they come through canada. lets just hope they stay together long enough to finish it, lol
takecare all VH fans, and lets hope the cradle will rock!
Pretty sad Sammy is calling his former buddies/bandmates three worms. At least he left young Wolfie out of it
Maybe Hagar was talkin bout the three Van Halens, or three other people–tres gusanos. Oh well glad to see he’s not bitter. Don’t u have enough money mother-fucker
Well hello good people of Glide Magazine!
It’s yours truly, Diamond Dave checkin’ up on some e-mails, old wails and happy trails!
Couldn’t help but notice this article, talkin’ ’bout some shit about ‘The Other Half’. Well, let’s put it this way: ‘The Other Half’ implies that there’s another ‘half’ of the equation…you could say ‘This Half’…meaning Ed and Al. But in my estimation: Mike is only ‘One Third’, and Sammy is less than that ’cause he wasn’t there when Van Halen first became great, OK? So, the way I see it, the real ‘Other Half’ is Ed and Al; and with me, that makes ‘3 Quarters’ and that makes Mike a ‘former quarter’, dig?
And as usual, Sammy just didn’t fit into the equation.
See y’all soon!
Did rock’s third best all-time front man just pay a visit to Hidden Track?
Could it be?
bow-z-bow-z bop be-de-bop
Rock on DLR!
I saw the Sammy Hagar concert on TV and I thought it was Kick-Ass. I saw him live with Ronnie Montrose and think that he is just as good as he ever was if not better. I think Van Halen adn David Lee Roth are going to be a flop. They had their hayday but will not be able to reproduce consistantly as Hagar has time and time again.
Happy to see and hear Ed’s off the chemical delights and wish Sammy would do the same(although he did sell his tequila for some $4o million). Just want to see Ed tour, don’t even care if it’s with a barbershop quartet. Too bad Ed and Al didn’t show for the R&R HOF ceremony.
Mr Edward and Mr. Alex Van Halen are the band and THATS IT !
thank god. I don’t know if I will ever get the bad taste of Sammy’s songwriting talents out of my mouth, but I sure as hell will try. Sammy can’t write his way out of a paper bag. Everything he ever wrote without VH sounds like “Can’t drve 55”
Oh man, he sucks atomic ass. I don’t know about Wolfgang but, i’ll give it a try.
Wow mom……i gotta find my bong pipe. the boys are going for another round…….time to dance the night away…..lock and load. lets see what happens…
Leave it to Eddy,Finally a reunion tour with dave but hence, He gives mike anthony the boot. I thought he said he was sober!
I have a few thoughts, first I didnt like VH when Sammy came into the band but now looking back there are a few things that cant be denied. VH had sold many more records and had a higher level of fame with Sammy. Sammy has always been a gentleman even though he was attacked by the VH boys on may occasions.
I think Dave cant pull it off anymore,saw some blue grass bs he did and I was embrassed for him.I think creatively EV is also done heard that mess he did for a porn movie.
Also without Mike unless the kid can sing the songs are going to sound flat.
FYI besides Eddie they were all pretty mediocre musicians.
Hey knuckleheads and VH/Hagar haters-Let’s get it straight once and for all!Dave left because he was dumb enough to think that HE was Van Halen(much like some you myopic sheep),and Ed didn’t care,because he thinks he can write songs to fit any voice.Hagar was already an arena rock star on his own and didn’t need VH.But joining them made them what is today-pay attention jackasses-a Rock&Roll Hall of Famer.Both the Diamond Dave and Hagar-era Van Halens were great,if for no other reason it allowed Eddie to show that you losers labeled Van Halen”heavy metal”,Eddie’s versatile songwriting and guitar work made VanHalen “Rock & Roll”,period!!!!!!!!
i have ben a big vanhalin fan since i saw them at the us festavil way back in 82 . one thing i seam to rember in all of the shows i have seen since is that micheal anthony was in all of them .i heard that the last tour he was treated like an employe insteed of like a founding member. now i am reading that they are writing him off the credits of most of the eirly stuff they are rerealsing. i hope some one will get each of the bros a galon of vaseline to help them pull there heads out of there asses.i am sure that i will be going to see the sammy/micheal anthony show. i am not so sure i will pay what i am sure will be paying the $150.00 to see the other half of 2 jerks and a drama queen. the son i know nothing about so i will leave him for another time.
It’s been said before, but must be said at least one more time…
No Michael Anthony? Then no Van Halen concert in my future. And that’s that! I just don’t wanna pay any amount of money to see a teenager taking the place of my beloved Michael. ‘Nuff said.
Sounds, Songs, and Performance by far was the best for VH fans. I would have hoped that Michael would be there, but bass and backup can be replaced. Not easy to get along for so many years, the bottom line is everyone has made alot of money $$,$$$,$$$.00.
Everyone, be happy and feel privledged you are a “Rock Star” !!!!!
I like the idea of some youth added to the OLD rock band coming out of the past.
Go Dutch Brudders !!!
The other half created a conflict of interest when they went out by themselfs.
Who does mike work for…van halen,sammy or himself? Of cource (!) Sammy would let mike go out with the halens if he was asked.That would only strenghen the other half..think about it.See how sammy is working mike? BUT everone see’s it as eddies fault.It’s Sam and Mikes fault for playing both sides.What a worm Sammy is for doing this! Mike is not innocent at all! Notice the coments he has made…read between the lines and you will see his game.
It feels so good over a year later to look back what have you jerks have written and how WRONG many of you were.
Van Halen w/ David Lee Roth grossed the BIGGEST selling tour of their career. It just goes to show that you cant replace anything….classic. And guess what? Wolfgang did just fine! So here’s to all you sammy lovers…enjoy “chickenfoot” while it lasts….while i
crank out the first 6 CLASSIC VH albums!