Led by the charismatic and magnetic frontman Ziek McCarter, San Francisco’s Con Brio are onto big things with their carefree, contagiously danceable blend of funk, soul, and R&B. Back in May the group stopped by Napa, California for a performance at the Bottle Rock Music Festival. While there, they managed to film an intimate (and most likely sweltering hot) session for Jam In The Van, the popular webseries chronicling artists from all walks of life performing inside of a heady, solar-powered mobile studio.
Con Brio’s session premieres this week at jaminthevan.com, but we are excited to give you an early taste of the magic that can happen when eight dudes pile into a van and give it all they got. Earlier this year they released an EP called Kiss The Sun, and you can expect to hear a lot more from these guy’s in the coming year.
Check out Con Brio’s performance of “Give It All” on Jam In The Van:
[youtube id=”HpOEwIs_b_M” width=”630″ height=”350″]
You can see more of Con Brio’s Jam In The Van session this Thursday at jaminthevan.com.