We thought we’d celebrate the ninth anniversary of the Disco Biscuits monumental tour closer in Pittsburgh with some music. Before you check out the recording, DaveO provides some background on what some consider the best show the Biscuits ever played. Let’s set the HT time machine for 1999…
03/27/99 Graffiti, Pittsburgh, PA
Set I: Run Like Hell> Nughuffer, Boogie Stop Shuffle, The Very Moon> Hot Air Balloon, Jam> Aceetobee
Set II: Magellan, Voices Insane, Mindless Dribble> Above The Waves, Nughuffer> Run Like Hell
Encore: Plan B> Magellan Reprise
Encore 2: Above The Waves > Basis For A Day
First of all, I guess I’m a little confused ’cause I only count 49 shows of the tour…but this is how Marc Brownstein welcomes the crowd to this tour-closing show back in 1999. Sidenote: Any time Brownie playfully addresses the crowd over a full band jam of some sort, normally a good sign that he’s feeling it.
In true blogger form, I’m going to keep this short and simply rip off some comments already made about this show. ‘Headgame’ over at the LMA comments says that, “Much like the Antelope from 4/16/92 where Trey is “rock star” esque, the Waves>Basis (in my opinion) showcases Barber doing something very similar and plotting to take over the world. No doubt about it, definitely the best show from top to bottom. Each song is played perfectly, from the jam into Run like Hell to the final notes of Basis. You will not be disappointed.”
“107th or 108th set in 2 and a half months. So we’ve been saving it all up for this very set here.” – Jon The Barber at the start of the 2nd set.
I also personally cannot say enough good things about the show as it’s got the whole package: Inspired playing, a few well executed segues and a band that despite two straight months on the road simply does not want to stop playing (They dropped a double encore for this 3+ hour show).
Oh, and I’ve got a request: The first person who can hook up a link to a version of the 4/16/92 Antelope gets a gold star. Anyone have Return to Gamehenge?
9 Responses
http://phishows.com/shows/?cmd=listen&mp3=/1992-04-16 (Santa Barbara, CA – Anaconda Theater (UCSB))/1.12 – Run Like an Antelope.mp3&dir_id=0&file=filename
or just try phishows.com and broswe for it
Heres the link for the whole show
http://phishows.com/shows/?cmd=listenall&od=yes&rec_subdir=/1992-04-16 (Santa Barbara, CA – Anaconda Theater (UCSB))&dir_id=0&file=filename.pls
two gold stars. nice job, ya’ll! (southern man)
Our buddy Franklin also hooked up the Antelope:
RIP Graffiti. Such a wonderful venue that hosted some amazing concerts. Too bad it was closed to house exotic cars . . . (I actually think I left this show at setbreak, to be honest.)
Great show… looks like it’s a post-pony era show for magner.
err “post-pony tail era” i should say…. although he did have that one incident with a mare back in ’97
Barber looks crossed eyed.
in my country, we ALL had ponies growing i up!