Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Or a woman overly dramatic.
Billie Myers came and went in 1998 with Kiss The Rain, a pop song whose hook helped cement the power of cliched, vague statements wrapped in feminine self-assuredness. “Kiss the rain whenever you need me,” she sings, reminding her ex-lover that they’re both “under the same sky.” In the accompanying music video, Billie even thrashes in bed, ripping apart her goose-feathered pillows to make for one crazy slow-motion display of betrayal.
See? She’s not happy.
Despite its coffee klatch-ready, Chicken Soup For The Top 40 Soul-inspired aesthetic, Kiss The Rain (off an album titled Growing, Pains …Get it? Like, it hurts?) is an irresistible torch song that perfectly captures the essence of a time period that ushered journaling and a bumper sticker that reads “Just Breathe” into the popular lexicon. The electric guitar loudly reverberates, amping up each verse to be nothing less than colossal. Billie, whose voice is questionably cloaked in a sonic effect that makes her sound like she’s on the end of a phone line, effectively cry-sings, and bless her for it, too, as the song easily becomes the equivalent of tearing somebody a new a-hole. Billie ain’t happy, and she’s going to let you know.
The coolest part of the song? Billie’s singing to a lady. SURPRISE!
One Response
Lol your review is pathetic. Best song ever.
You dont know what good music is mate.