1) It’s a Marathon, Not a Race: Listen, I know you got a screamin’ deal on a kilo of molly and can re-up once you get to Shoreline, but chill just the same. You’ve got a responsibility to not only yourself, but the band and its organization to not drop dead out there. EVERYONE LIKES TO PARTY! No one is taking that right from you, but just keep a good pace, hydrate, and watch those around you. I see so many young kids overdoing it BIGTIME and it scares me.
2) To The Phishtorians: For those of you up-and-coming journalists and bloggers out there, I have some things to say that you better take to the heart, as I am disgusted with my generation’s reporting of our era of Phishtory. NO ONE FUCKING CARES IF YOU THOUGHT THAT WAS THE BEST ANTELOPE EVER! Keep your reviews completely open for the reader’s interpretation. Don’t force them into thinking or feeling anything.
My generation was obsessed with talking about the stupid shit they did before and after the show as well as peppering the article with all their uber-hetty assesments of the previous night, however overly positive or negative. Keep it classy, start your review at set one and end at the encore. You have a responsibility to make this era of our history recorded as objectively as possible. If you are wasted…don’t even think about printing something in the morning. Let the people who were clear-headed fill what will most likely be the veterans like myself in on the show the next day.
3) It’s a community, not a forum: Despite how convoluted this whole scene has become, I do believe that the principles and codes of the road that started with The Grateful Dead are still with us. There simply is no room for the individual mindset anymore. All you trustafarian rejects with a ton of money to blow on drugs to make more money with on tour can stay home. I’m way hip to the game and so is every security system in place in every venue of the country. Six Up isn’t code anymore, brah. Leave the gangster shit to your hometown and just come out to party with your friends. I guarantee the gangster you thought you were at Coventry will get busted two shows in this year. Its time to retake our community and we all have a responsibility to clean the scene up. It starts with you.
Soapbox rant done. I want everyone to know this came from the most positive place possible. Hate or Elate all you want in the comments below…
- Previously on Wade’s World: Legends of the Phall, All Things Phil: The Lamb Lies Down w/ Peter Gabriel and The Seven Below Mix
39 Responses
“Its time to retake our community and we all have a responsibility to clean the scene up. It starts with you.”
YES!! Well said.
whats molly?
I feel old.
Can I quit my job and go on tour?
… You are right… This is going to be strange!!!
YES WE CAN! You F-ckers are’nt old….
a tip for the n00bs with a single pavilion seat:
6-8 of ur “lawn” friends can easily fit in the area of one pav seat. Be sure to stub them down and if anyone talks shit to you just remind them they are at a phish show and should chillax.
this type discussion is needed more. knowledge is power! we are ascending into a new global consciousness and there is no time to retrace failed steps. positive light to all! :::puff puff sniff:::
this post is deep.
good call on the ganster phish heads too.
Good luck with this.
where did you get your soapbox, dude? Why don’t you let people discover their own path. This post is not deep. It is pretentious. You are making very holier-than-thou judgements, and I’m surprised Scotty let you post this crap on his site.
peace dude, enjoy your job 😉
What about all the 30+ year olds that are doing the tour? What advice do you have for them? 😉
Miner, I don’t know if you know Wade, and I don’t… But this man has gone from following Phish shows to running shows for some of the most promising bands in the “scene.” He got his soapbox when people started paying him to tour. Did you read the article? He said that this was for the younger generation of fans that has not been to as many shows and been in the scene for as long as the 30+ year olds that are so hetty they can’t learn anything form anyone. This was a positive conversation about how a scene that got ruined by people out to profit might just be sustainable if people would take personal responsibility and be so selfless as to listen to the others around them. Pretentious? I think not. Thinking that you already know everything about Phish tour and not listening to what someone else has to say ’cause they aren’t your ter-brah… that’s pretentious.
Couldnt agree more…
Cops are on to all the wooks and gangsters with the side ways hats slinging dope..
I agree with all your takes…I think though that a lot of the tour scum are dead or in jail…It will take a few years before this youg ens start to be wooks themselves…
I have a very very very strong feeling lots and such will be much more strict this time around
I agree, but the drug beast is hard to tame especially with peers around. I for one can contain myself…to an extent.
’96 noob
amen wade
jachampa- I completely disagree. I did read the piece. I have no idea who Wade is or what he does other than he wrote this article, and I just feel that the piece is completely pretentious and aggressive in tone. To tell people what to do or not to do while cursing and dropping f-bombs to get your point across in honestly, juvenile. And the whole point is that he is supposed to be mature. First, Wade should learn how to write intelligently before trying to instruct anyone on anything,and second, I feel the piece comes across as talking down to people because somehow Wade got a job to see music. Congratulations buddy! You made it, but chill out a bit. I don’t disagree with what your saying, but messages get lost when you can’t articulate with respect.
“This was a positive conversation about how a scene that got ruined by people out to profit might just be sustainable if people would take personal responsibility and be so selfless as to listen to the others around them”
^^ this was one man’s diatribe about his opinion.
Learn how to write intelligently……maybe you should read my catalog of articles, brah. You use profanity where profanity is due. Go fuck yourself
Great points and very well written, Wade.
It’s actaully the antithesis of well written. It reads as if it was written by a half-educated egomaniac who is even more ignorant than those he seems to be criticizing.
“and I’m surprised Scotty let you post this crap on his site.”
This isn’t my site, it’s the collective effort of a number of talented contributors who express themselves when they want to. The post above is an editorial and Wade is, was and will always be an important voice on this website. Honestly, Hidden Track wouldn’t exist right now if it wasn’t for Wade. I do think you should read some of his previous work for the site and you might think differently about his ability to write intelligently even though you didn’t appreciate his tone on this particular article:
Ironically, you guys would get along great and appear to feel similarly about the music and the scene.
this article is a piece of trash. im bummed i spent time reading it. stop being full of yourself and go rant on phantasy tour about how you have old balls and are so much wiser than the rest of us. this could have easily been a thread and it would have died after 4 posts.
so far as cussing, im with miner. i drop f bombs all the time but if you cant write an article trying to convey your points of view without cussing, well go take a class. it makes your points seem like your the 15 year old.
“Learn how to write intelligently……maybe you should read my catalog of articles, brah. You use profanity where profanity is due. Go fuck yourself”
^^ wow, you really can’t talk without swearing….and you called me brah? you do belong on Phantasy Tour, jeez.. Why don’t you just explain yourself instead of getting defensive. I trust you can write and I trust you know what’s up, but this article is trash, sorry.
“Learn how to write intelligently……maybe you should read my catalog of articles, brah. You use profanity where profanity is due. Go fuck yourself”
^^ I don’t doubt this for a second, but without knowing the author, he comes off as less than flattering here, you gotta see that. Why doesn’t the author try to write the article over without ranting and raving about his opinion? That could work….
My bad–That last response was supposed to be to Scotty’s comment saying:
“Ironically, you guys would get along great and appear to feel similarly about the music and the scene.”
^^ I don’t doubt this for a second, but without knowing the author, he comes off as less than flattering here, you gotta see that. Why doesn’t the author try to write the article over without ranting and raving about his opinion? That could work….
“If you are wasted…don’t even think about printing something in the morning. Let the people who were clear-headed fill what will most likely be the veterans like myself in on the show the next day.”
^^ are you making rules for the scene now? lol….this is just funny
“All you trustafarian rejects with a ton of money to blow on drugs to make more money with on tour can stay home. ”
^^ are you angry at someone?
After what led to Phish’s demise the last two go-arounds I’m glad someone has the balls to say something instead of letting it all go to shit AGAIN.
I’m assuming #2 hit Miner where it hurts.
I always thought whole mentality of vets having more credence than younger or new phans was retarded. It’s something that always annoyed me about Phish. New phans will very likely grow to love the music just as much as those who have been around it forever and shouldn’t have to feel like a tool for being new to the scene when they do decide to take the plunge. It’s supposed to be about the music, right?
“I’m assuming #2 hit Miner where it hurts.”
^^ nope. That’s not how I write.
“After what led to Phish’s demise the last two go-arounds I’m glad someone has the balls to say something instead of letting it all go to shit AGAIN.”
^^ What are you talking about? Balls? You make no sense. What takes balls about spouting off on a blog post?
sorry for double post….
6-8 of ur “lawn” friends
ehh, sounds like you don’t like wade’s “tone” or “cursing” more than anything, because if you don’t agree with his overall message (sample: Its time to retake our community and we all have a responsibility to clean the scene up. It starts with you.), well, then, i’m not sure what to say. I think underneath the strong words, he’s spot on and most people are in complete agreement.
ps: wade fully admitted this was a “soapbox rant”, so I’m not really sure what you’re complaining about…rants, by definition, are full of strong language and forceful tone.
Miner, get your own blog if you plan on clogging up the comment section.
My generation was obsessed with talking about the stupid shit they did before and after the show as well as peppering the article with all their uber-hetty assesments of the previous night, however overly positive or negative. Keep it classy, start your review at set one and end at the encore.
Why does the historic record have to start and end with the show, when most certainly the experience of touring or seeing a show DOES NOT? This is moronic. The historic record should be as full as possible with as many anecdotes/observations/etc as the reviewer wants to provide. Editing the public historical record to make it seem like we’re classy — when in truth we spent hours afterwards sucking nitrous and talking about an Antelope — is a horrible idea. If we’re classy, we’re classy, if we’re not, well, that’s the just the truth, and it deserves to be out there.
You have a responsibility to make this era of our history recorded as objectively as possible.
Reviews are by nature subjective. Do you really want someone reviewing a Phish show like an Associated Press writer covering a news story? Again, bad idea.
If you are wasted…don’t even think about printing something in the morning.
Because nothing good has ever been written on drugs. And no good opinions have ever been formed while on drugs.
I do not want to live in your touring world. Sorry.
Hmmm… seems as though its business as usual on phish tour. Whining bitches, too cools, and critical dicks. So this chapter of the soap opera should last until July when Phish retires for real this time. Where I come from people were “heady” and that was a good thing. Wade, miner, you’re both out of pocket. I think the real draw this summer is going to be watching you two throw knuckles on the lot. So fire up your mom’s BMW and get ready to rumble.
Wait…..is this article not a joke?
I thought it was a parody of a 16 year old.
Agreed. The author clearly has a very fragile ego, and seems to have the emotional and intellectual maturity of a pre-teen.
He loses his cool and develops a temper so easily from small comments posted on the internet…..I’m not sure if it is more sad or entertaining. Either way, equally pathetic. This is a grown man? Unbelievable.