Name: Chris Cartelli
Occupation: Guitarist – Give Us The Money Lebowski
Favorite Phish Song: Lifeboy
Number of Shows Attended: 126
Opener Pick: Fluffhead
Name: Jefferson Waful
Occupation: Lighting Designer – Umphrey’s McGee
Favorite Phish Song: Stash
Number of shows attended: 125 ish
Hampton Opener Pick: Tweezer Reprise
Name: Andy Bernstein
Occupation: Executive Director – HeadCount
Favorite Phish Song: Halley’s Comet
Number of Shows Attended: 195
Opener Pick: Sanity
Name: Nick Setteducato
Occupation: Guitarist – Give Us The Money Lebowski
Favorite Phish Song: Tela
Number of Shows Attended: 15
Opener Pick: Down With Disease
Name: Scott Bernstein
Occupation: Editor-in-Chief – Hidden Track
Favorite Phish Song: Harry Hood
Number of shows attended: 160
Hampton Opener Pick: You Enjoy Myself
50 Responses
damn Brownie.
Name: Fluffdead
Occupation: Dildo maker
Favorite Phish Song: Fluffhead
Number of shows attended: 100+
Hampton Opener Pick: The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony > Fluffhead
Name: Jeffrey Greenblatt
Occupation: Managing Editor – Hidden Track
Favorite Phish Song: Suzy Greenberg
Number of shows attended: 25
Hampton Opener Pick: YEM
Name: Dean Ween
Occupation: Boognish Technician
Favorite Phish Song: Roses Are Free
Number of Shows Attended: Infinite
Hampton Opener Pick: Leave Deaner Alone
lol, fuck you Brownstein.
Fuck Off, you talentless hack, Brownie. Go eat some E, fucktard.
Name: headyesq
Occupation: being the shit
Favorite Phish Song: Tela
Number of Shows Attended: 64
Opener Pick: YEM
Name: Jennifer Kirk
Occupation: Contributor and Fan – Hidden Track
Favorite Phish Song: Piper/Tube/Reba
Number of shows attended: 26
Hampton Opener Pick: Harpua/The Curtain (With) – in the correct key this time.
Name: siwook
Occupation: fire watcher
Favorite Phish Song: Reba
Number of Shows Attended: 62
Opener Pick: Divided Sky
Just when I thought The Disco Biscuits couldn’t give me any more reasons to hate them, here comes another bag of dicks thinking he’s too cool for fucking school to play.
What a turd.
Wow Marc…
About 1999 was when I stopped caring what the Disco Biscuits played…
Have fun playing your 5000 person festies and shitty ballrooms for the rest of your careers…
untz untz untz untz
oh god, I hope Andy Bernstein is right…if they open with Sanity I’ll be the guy with a large pee stain on his jeans
Name: DJ Kucinich
Favorite Phish Song: split open and melt
Number of shows:97
Opener: Ha,Ha,Ha
Nice Brownstein. You obviously care enough for your band to coattail a paycheck with your Virginia run leading into the Hampton shows. Douche.
Hey Brownie, sound like more of a douche?
Name: Animal Chin
Occupation: Phish message board moderator
Favorite Phish Song: Ghost
Number of Shows Attended: 12
Opener Pick: 2001->Mikes
“Nice Brownstein. You obviously care enough for your band to coattail a paycheck with your Virginia run leading into the Hampton shows. Douche.”
hahaha. I like Disco Bisco and all, but this was pretty funny!
Brwonstein – Ummm… your band is playing a warm up show, is model led after phish and the only reason you have a career is cause you were there when they took a hiatus?
I think it would be more accurate to say that you had to stop listening to them so you had some basis for not being a total rip-off. Jack Ass.
Name: Push
Occupation: Radio Guy
Favorite Phish Song: Lizards
Number of Shows Attended: 30
Hampton Opener Pick: Glide…welcome back the phans
Marc Brownstein will be too busy eating everything in sight to go see Phish.
Name: Kiley Lyons
Occupation: Rare Contributor and Fan – Hidden Track
Favorite Phish Song: Ghost, Simple Jam
Number of shows attended: 42 (all pre-hiatus shows) 3 post.
Hampton Opener Pick: Reunited (Peaches & Herb)
you guys ever consider that Brownie could just be kidding?
Between the 10/30 Electron show and The Jammys he’s played a bit of Phish in the past 8 months.
Name: Bret Berman
Occupation: Account Executive for
Favorite SONG Ever: You Enjoy Myself
# of shows attended: 131
Hampton Opener Pick: Chalk Dust Torture
For Brownie: Kick Rocks!
Name: Rob D.
Occupation: Chef
Favorite SONG Ever: Tube
# of shows attended: 40+
Hampton Opener Pick: Harpua, with an elaborate story about how the past 5 years were some fucked up dream and they never really happened.
brownee is a dick
birds of a feather people.
why does brownie not care anymore? seriously?
..brownie was at brooklyn in 04. He has a shitload of respect for phish…headcount allstars etc etc..
I don’t really care what phish opens with either, I care about how they play, which I think is more what marc was getting at.
Name: guyute
Occupation: web developer
Favorite Phish Song: YEM
Number of Shows Attended: 30 something
Opener Pick: Possum
Encore Pick: Waste
Occupation:Beer and Wine sales
Favorite Phish Song:Slave to The Traffic Light
Number of Shows attended:56 (1994-2000)6(2002-2004)
Opener Pick:Rock and Roll partII
but i like the idea of Sanity, Icculus,or Harpua with the dream sequence
Name: Karen
Occupation: artist/teacher/mom
Fav phish tune: jeezum can anyone answer that?
# shows: too many and counting
opener: glide (although i m hoping for a new obscure jam session)
Name: oysterhead
Occupation: chef
Fav phish tune: Tweezer
# shows: 102
opener: Fluffhead
Name: Jim Jay
Occupation: salad tosser (yes, I am waiter)
Favorite Phish Song: chalkdust
Number of Shows Attended: 25
Opener Pick: PYITE
Opener: The McLovins’ – Shakedown Street (Don’t tell me this BAND ain’t got no Heart)
Phish opener: YEM
Occupation: patent atty
Fav phish tune: Reba
# shows: 25
opener: hydrogen > weekapaug
Tt would be very funny and very PHISH esq to have The McLovins come out when the lights go out. Allow them to play one song -> Jam -> and then one by one each band member is replaced by a real member of PHISH.
Name: J.J. Toothman
Occupation: Web Technologist – Stanford University
Favorite Phish Song: Harpua
Number of Shows Attended: A lot, though I really would like to not count the 3 shows from 2002-2004, those were horrible.
Opener Pick: Harry Hood (with the loudest “you can feel good, good…” singalong ever.)
Encore pick: Loving Cup
I like how Scotty B thinks! YEM.
Love how everyone is attacking Brownie for saying that. HE has seen more Phish than any of you.
Name: Newms
Occupation: DJ and stuff
Favorite Phish Song: PYITE
Number of Shows Attended: Around 35 or so.
Opener Pick: Chalkdust…but Fluffhead would be more significant
Encore pick: The Curtain (With)
Name: Al
Occupation: Corrupting the youth of tomorrow
Favorite Phish Song: Fee
Number of Shows Attended: 25 (mostly pre-1998), with 4 kickass shows post 1998
Opener Pick: Bouncin’
Encore pick: Tweezer Reprise
shit brownie, you should quit while yer a head, before you become a full dick. or is it to late? opener: rock ‘n roll. Sterile Jets fer life!
gotta be You Enjoy. Simple as that!
I’m thinking either Chalkdust, AC/DC Bag or DWD opener and closing out the whole weekend with YEM Sunday night.
Name: Ernesto Lasen
Occupation: Guitar Tech-Little Feat
Favorite Phish Song: Tube
Number of Shows Attended: 65
Opener Pick:First Tube
Encore pick: Slave to the Traffic Light
Yo Im With Brownstein…. for Fucks Sake Man, Bisco Is Now Where Phish was in the 90’s. They Bring the Fucking Heat to Every Show, Anybody who doesn’t think so simply doesn’t know, And as far as everyone talking shit about the drug scene that surround Bisco…. Anything that goes on there is Nothing compared to an average Phish Lot scene. People are fuckin’ dumb sometimes. Go Talk Shit about Bisco All you Want but remember—We all Like to dance around to songs about Lizards and Silly Fairytale like shit that most of society would completley think was GAY!!!! I’ve heard the same shit talk over the years about Phish As I hear now about Bisco… I sum it all up to one thing……..People Just don’t Fuckin’ Get it!!!!
it will be Golgi.
Back to the purpose…It has to be YEM. Trey talked in that Rolling Stones interview, or whatever that was, about how he would give his left nut to play YEM, and some people doubted his ability saying he was too fucked up to play it. Well he’s cleaned up his act, so if that was the problem, which I don’t think it was, then YEM would be a statement opener for them.
fluffhead gets it
I think phish is going to pick up where they left off and open the show with Undermind!!!