Sometime near 8PM, Ticketmaster put their allotment of four day passes to Phish’s just announced Red Rocks concerts up for sale nearly a week before the announced onsale date of March 26. Either Phish just came up with an incredibly inventive way to beat the scalpers – the sneak attack, or Ticketmaster screwed up. It remains to be seen whether Ticketmaster will honor the orders placed today. Let us know if you scored tickets.
UPDATE: Commenter Noah looked up the Ticketmaster Contract of Service and found this language…
If the amount you pay for a ticket is incorrect regardless of whether because of an error in a price posted on this web site or otherwise communicated to you, or you are able to order a ticket before its scheduled on-sale or presale date or you are able to order a ticket that was not supposed to have been released for sale, then: Ticketmaster will have the right to cancel that ticket (or the order for that ticket) and refund to you the amount that you paid. This will apply regardless of whether because of human error or a transactional malfunction of this web site or other Ticketmaster operated system.
UPDATE 1:03AM: I just checked the status of my order and it was cancelled. It was fun while it lasted, but Ticketmaster exercised their right to cancel the orders as per their Contract of Service.
58 Responses
I scored 4×4 day passes. I can’t see any way these tickets get honored.
The Joker scored 2 4 day passes for me and him. I’m so giddy right now… like a school girl on cocaine!
I gave a credit card and they gave me an order confirmation. Of course they should be honored. That said I got two.
confirmation number = honored. i don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t accept the order, mistake by TM or not.
I got a 4 day pass!! seated!!! please honor this TM! for once don’t screw the pouch!
sorry to those that didn’t get the news in time, but these tickets better be honored…TM fucks us enough as it is…this is our small victory. Got three….they have since fixed the glitch.
also got some… i am not optimistic they will be honored, but am momentarily ecstatic.
i hope if they cancel the orders, they do it before the lottery closes.
I love how the Phish friends phone chain went into action so quickly.
Call #321
Me: Hey…
Friend: I know, I’m typing… trying to get ’em… call ya later
Just found this language in the TM contract of service, FWIW:
If the amount you pay for a ticket is incorrect regardless of whether because of an error in a price posted on this web site or otherwise communicated to you, or you are able to order a ticket before its scheduled on-sale or presale date or you are able to order a ticket that was not supposed to have been released for sale, then: Ticketmaster will have the right to cancel that ticket (or the order for that ticket) and refund to you the amount that you paid. This will apply regardless of whether because of human error or a transactional malfunction of this web site or other Ticketmaster operated system.
Oh, how I wish I made it through the portal. I was close though.. within minutes.
I cant believe I got a 4 day pass!!!!!
Oh my god, they have to honor these
i got 2. hope tm doesn’t cancel
I think TicketMaster has a bigger headache if they do NOT honor the tickets than if they do.
Time will tell but I got tickets I never though I would score.
Maybe this time the scalpers will be the ones crossing their fingers for the lottery.
I got 2×4 day passes. I haven’t felt a rush like that in quite some time. Now that I’m calming down, I’m feeling nervous about TM canceling orders.
if you look @ the bottom of your confirmation email it says they aren’t responsible for any changes or cancellation emails sent out after confirmation
the only hope is that phish somehow allows for the glitch, but in the end, that would not be fair to everyone else. Sucks.
Also, the service charge seemed awfully low ($5-6), so surely TM will reneg just for that.
OMG PLEASE PLEASE let them honor these!! Scored six 4-day passes before they shut it down. This probably got more tickets in the hands of REAL phish phans than the lottery and the legit onsale date will combined!!
That said, I am realistically expecting them to be cancelled. But gotta have hope, right??!?
Got em! 2 four day passes!
I could see this going either way. I do think that if they cancel all the orders there will be more complaints than if they honor them. They went on sale early- and the service charge is lower than what its been recently, but its still money in the pockets of tm. The tickets were gonna get sold anyway. For now, at least a good amount are in the hands of real fans. See all you at red rocks, one way or another.
I got tickets, because i’m a loyal phish fan, and check their pages, and for updates on message boards often, just in case.
i am not a scalper.
i now, have my red rocks tickets, without having to pay a scalper.
if phish cancel’s my tickets, i will be severely pissed off, and honestly think about hating, you, phish…
just an fyi…don’t be dicks.
oh please please please honor these tickets!! has anybody spoken to a TM rep yet??
i hope these tickets are honored. i am tired of “brokers” making money on phish fans. fans 1 scalpers 0
This is an absolutely amazing moment for the most loyal phans in this history of music. If ticketmaster even has a slice of decency, they’ll understand that cancelling these orders will only put these tickets in the hands of scumbag scalpers and their automated robots that crash the site while scooping up all tickets in seconds.
One of my friends scored 2 four day passes right before the portal closed. I for some reason just sat and stared at the page in disbelief, trying to run finances in my mind, and lost mine. There’s hope in this camp though.
just missed. d’oh. i can’t go anyway
Maybe Phish took a page outta the Radiohead ticketing playbook.
I’m in and sooooo happy to have caught the window of opportunity!!!!! See ya there all 4 nights baby!!!!!!
They better cancel all you phucks. I live in Colorado and if I get shut out because I was at band practice at 6pm MT and the show is now sold out.. I will hunt yall down and steal your tickets while you sleep…
spoke to a high level ticketmaster manager in California tonight
the orders are being cancelled out as we speak
hey scott cohen, i scored two 4 day passes. i’ll sell one of them to you for face. you know where to find me. start hunting, phanner.
so did phish promotions pull this? beat the scalpers, right? any fallout from TM on this?
If ticketmaster and phish were smart, they would let this stand. Clearly the tickets landed in the hands of fans and not scalpers. Who know, but at least I’ve got mine for the moment..
Word on the street is that 3200 tickets were sold… All of them 4 day passes. That being said, with Phish tickets getting about 2000, that would still leave around 4000 for the public onsale next week. Ticketmaster thinks they have a huge headache on their hands now, but it’ll get 10 times worse if they try to take these tickets back.
The first leg ticket sales got a redonk amount of bad press for the recently launched Live Nation ticket sales system, and (hopefully) understanding the consumer strength of Phish’s crowd, I’d like to think ticketmaster understands what it is they’re fucking with if they tell 3200 phans their tix to Red Rocks are as bunk as the doses the wooks will be selling in the lot
I ordered my ticket using a debit card. Hope I get my refund quickly.
My order now shows as canceled when I login to They’re not called the Bastard for nothin’.
Apparently plenty of scalpers got the call as well. Check out ebay.
my order canceled as well when i log into ticketbastard…this has got to be front page news somewhere tomorrow…this is gonna be a shitstorm.
I got in. One 4 day pass. Longtime phan. We beat the scalpers but got a feeling we’re gonna get ph*cked.
Hey Phish – your true phans got these tickets! Let us keep’em and do what we love to do – go see PHISH!
all of the orders were canceled. eff you ticketmaster.
This officially marks the 1 millionth time Ticketmaster has FUCKED ME IN THE ASS.
Stinks, my brother scored two four day passes too for us, but all for naught.
I got two last night then an hour or two later they cancelld my order.
No explanation, no apology, nothing.
Ticketmaster is so incompetent. I don’t understand why bands elect to do business with them when they fail time after time.
i scored 2 – 4days
buddy scored 2 – 4days
cancelled ruining our hopes and dreams
You guys are really surprised you don’t get to keep the tix? Honestly?
Here’s the best part – refunds in 3-5 days! Awesome!
so will ticketmaster pay my overdraft fee?
in all fairness, i think they should break up for another five years to teach those people that got the four day passes a lesson…..
“if phish cancel’s my tickets, i will be severely pissed off, and honestly think about hating, you, phish…
just an fyi…don’t be dicks.”
Your an idiot. Im glad your tickets were cancelled.
A REAL Phish phan would understand that like eveyone, phish are people, people make mistakes.
A REAL Phish phan would realize that there are TONS of people that want these tickets and that it must be FAIR.
A REAL Phish phan would be SO happy that Phish is back together and playing red rocks that even if they couldnt get a ticket, they would be exited for those lucky few.
You sound like a GREEDY TOUR RAT!!!!!!!!
Instead of playing their balls off for 2 days at Coventry…Phish were crying like little girls and played some of the worst shows I’ve seen. Now they’re back, because they were 2 sad they weren’t making any money anymore (except, maybe Trey)
I just know the Last Waltz was AWESOME! The Band kicked ass–had a great time and walked off strong. WTF happened with Phish? Now it costs 2K to see them? I’m sure they’re are plenty of folks with farms that would love to have them and all they’re fans and help bring in much needed money to rural America. F Ticketmaster. F Greed.