In the tradition of welcoming our favorite bloggers to contribute to Hidden Track, I’ve asked Don de Leaumont of The Great Southern Brainfart to help revive the long dormant Grousing The Aisles series of columns. Don has shared many amazing recordings – and plenty of engaging articles – at The Great Southern Brainfart. Every couple of weeks he’ll stop by to tell us about a show we’ve just gotta hear. Take it away Don…
Mazzy Star – The Other Side (Live & B-Sides) MP3
The Other Side is a great collection that even the most casual of Mazzy Star listeners can enjoy. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 15 years since Fade Into You brought them into the spotlight. Guitarist/songwriter Dave Roback and singer/songwriter Hope Sandoval’s relationship grew from the ashes of David’s former band Opal which was a collaborative effort with former Dream Syndicate bassist Kendra Smith. Following Smith’s quick departure from the band, Roback drafted Sandoval as her replacement and then folded Opal to form Mazzy Star.
Mazzy Star’s style endures 15 years after they started and still sounds warm and comfortable, much like a favorite sweater that even as its been worn over the years still wraps around you and makes you feel good. This collection of songs includes many of my favorite Mazzy Star songs in different incarnations. The live version of Fade Into You doesn’t stray far at all from the studio version but songs like Gonna Bake My Biscuit and the live version of Ghost On The Highway has the band showing their bluesy influences along with their Velvet Underground influence which they definitely weren’t ashamed to wear on their sleeves from time to time. This collection is a great footprint left behind by a band more timeless than most will ever know.
4 Responses
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, mazzy star….
Love your blog, keep it up.
Whoa, did we really just get a comment from Ticket Broker bot? Why I say…
Oh, and glad you’re digging the Mazzy Star henge 🙂
Dear Grousing,
Please find moe. Meat 46:10. Lost it back in the Napster dizay, been missing it!