With the MSC Poesia scheduled to set sail from Fort Lauderdale two months from today, there’s been plenty of news about Jam Cruise 8 to share. First off, the schedule for all five jam-packed days was just released.
[Photo of Toubab Krewe on JC6 by Dave Vann]
As a Jam Cruise virgin, I was warned that there wouldn’t be much sleep involved the trip and after a look at the schedule I can see why – the action looks relentless. Now if I could only find a way to see Galactic, OHMphrey and Steve Kimock’s Crazy Engine at the same time I’ll be all set.
Another thing that popped out at me was a listing for Sexual Chocolate featuring Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe. You might recall that Karl D. was a member of the Randy Watson-led (played by Eddie Murphy) Sexual Chocolate in the 1988 film Coming to America. A number of Halloweens ago, KDTU dressed up as Sexual Chocolate and covered some of the songs from the movie, so we look forward to another round of that action.
While my short-lived basketball playing days are over, I’m looking forward to watching the Jam Cruise Fans vs. Artists 3 on 3 tournament. Artist Team #1 features JJ Jungle, Skerik & Mike D while Artist Team #2 features Jesse Aratow, Dave Watts & Jans Ingber. Finally, pre-booking for Jam Cruise 9 in 2011 kicks off on December 1 – click here for more details.
- Previously on HT: Jam Cruise Files – Joel Cummins
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