Every couple of weeks we take a look at a few under the radar bands for our beloved Blips column. Today, we kick off a new column, Blips Update, to take a more in-depth look at what one of the artists we’ve featured in Blips has accomplished since being profiled on our humble site.
Will McCranie [Blip’d: January 21, 2009]
Website / MySpace / 52/52 Project
When we last profiled Will, the Southern-bred singer/songwriter had just released a marvelous double EP called North/South and had moved up to NYC in an attempt to perform as much as possible. Will has succeeded not only in playing a shit-ton of gigs, but he has also written a huge batch of tunes. So what does an independent artist do with a boatload of songs to share? Will came up with the innovative idea of posting a song a week on a new website called the 52/52 Project.
Each week, McCranie posts a demo, live track, cover or whatever strikes his fancy on the 52/52 Project website with the goal of compiling the best tracks at the end of the year for a full length LP. He’s even opened the project up to his fans by encouraging them to remix or add their own tracks to any of his tunes. Everyone seems to win in this situation – Will gets his music out there, Will’s fans get a new song a week and the A&R staffers of the world get to check out the full range of McCranie’s music without leaving their desks.
While McCranie has obviously spent a lot of time on the website, he’s still playing a bunch of gigs. When we profiled Will for Blips he mainly performed solo but over the last six months he’s been performing with a band giving his originals a fuller sound in the live setting. Last Sunday, McCranie rocked a 52/52 Project launch party at NYC’s Rockwood Music Hall backed by the Not So Sober Novembers. Check out their version of Take Your Place…
Will McCranie’s next gig is at Asylum in Washington D.C. on February 9.
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