First Time Played: 05-04-2005 Ovens Auditorium – Charlotte, NC
Last Time Played: 08-06-2005 Jones Beach Amphitheatre – Wantagh, NY
Number Of Times Played: 8
This is just a case of bad timing. Of all the bands Trey should have played Sledgehammer with, the touring lineup of 70-Volt Parade in May of 2005 was not the ideal choice. The man had been touring with a horn section for years and his first major solo tour without horns is when he chooses to debut this Peter Gabriel party tune. The band would play it a couple times that spring, it sounded OK. Trey made one attempt at bringing the cover back that summer when Christina Durfee and Jennifer Hartswick had joined the band, but at the time they were supplying vocals only and no horns. That one performance that Summer was terrible, and he knew it and the song disappeared forever. Now is the time to bring it back now that the horns are back and Trey truly has “kicked the habit”. – DaveO
Audio: 5-4-2005 – Ovens Auditorium – Charlotte, NC
Video: 5-13-2005 – Hammerstein Ballroom – New York, NY
Sultans of Swing
First Time Played: 05-28-2002 – Open Air Theater – San Diego, CA
Last Time Played: 12-09-2006 – Ventura Theater – Ventura, CA
Number Of Times Played: 17
Fans often overlook Trey’s tone as one of his core competencies as a guitarist, but it most certainly represents one of his many differentiating assets. Likewise, Mark Knopfler long established himself as one of the best clean tone guitar players, gaining widespread notoriety for his combination of fingerstyle and electric techniques. Sultans of Swing marks one of Trey’s most playful, yet ambitious covers with his solo bands, popping up frequently in encores in 2002, but only appearing sporadically thereafter. – Ryan Dembinsky
Audio: 6-7-2002 Fox Theater – Detroit, MI
Video: 10-29-2002 Palace Theatre – Louisville, KY:
Snowflakes in the Sand
First Time Played: 05-03-1999 – Michigan Theater – Ann Arbor, MI
Last Time Played: 05-17-1999 – Flynn Theater – Burlington, VT
Number Of Times Played: 9
For my picks I am reaching back to the first Trey solo tour that consisted of one acoustic set and one electric set for inspiration and picking one song from each category. For my acoustic tune, I’m going with Snowflakes in the Sand. By my count this awesome tune about opposites attracting has been played only nine times – all by the TAB power trio back in 1999. I especially love the Flynn Theater version from May 17, 1999, the last time this one saw the light of day. I can’t say I am hoping for a full set of Trey solo acoustic but two or three songs each night, including Snowflakes in the Sand, would be a nice addition to the shows. – Luke Sacks
Audio: 5-17-1999 – The Flynn Theatre – Burlington, VT
Golden Age
First Time Played: Never Played Live
Last Time Played: N/A
Number of Times Played: N/A
Debuted by Phish during the first night of their now epic two-night stand at the Time-Union Center in November, this one-off cover by indie-electro-funk act TV On The Radio seems like a no-brainer to get the Classic TAB treatment. Using the Albany version as a template, this one is right in the band’s wheelhouse giving Trey a chance to shred over Tony’s funky bass lines, Ray’s swirling organ fills, Jen providing backing vocals, all while Russ holds it all together with the back beat. If this one doesn’t scream “COVER ME!” I don’t know what other song does. – JG
Audio: 11-27-2009 (Phish) – Pepsi Arena – Albany, NY
First Time Played: 07-04-2001 – Higher Ground – Burlington, VT
Last Time Played: 05-03-2005 – Township Auditorium – Columbia, SC
Number of Times Played: 10
When I first heard Trey’s 1998 solo album, One Man’s Trash, one track stood out from the rest. Quantegy has a groove unlike any other song Anastasio has written. When TAB finally debuted the track on July 4, 2001, the live version was slower and funkier than the studio version which gave Big Red ample opportunity to lay down one mind-bending riff after another in his solo. Quantegy turned up seven times that tour but has inexplicably turned into an rarity with only three more performances since the end of Summer Tour 2001. – SB
Audio: 8-2-2001 – Mann Music Center – Philadelphia, PA
Only Time Played: 05-14-2005 – Hammerstein Ballroom – New York, NY
Number Of Times Played: 1
For my electric tune, I am going with the Rolling Stones’ Sway, off the glorious Sticky Fingers LP. Trey covered this tune once – on May 14, 2005 in New York City – and although sloppy, there is something potentially special there. After Phish did such an outstanding job with Exile on Main Street set in Indio, it would be nice to see Trey bring this ripping Stones cover back into the mix, after some rehearsals of course. – LS
Audio: 5-14-2005 – Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, NY
Will It Go ‘Round In Circles
First Time Played: 05-03-1999 – Michigan Theater – Ann Arbor, MI
Last Time Played: 12-30-2006 – House of Blues – Atlantic City, NJ
Number Of Times Played: 30
Over the years, Billy Preston rubbed elbows with some of the biggest names in music: playing keys for the Stones, touring with Clapton, and even prompting some to label him the fifth Beatle. Still, Preston’s solo career and contributions to funk and R&B cement his legacy far beyond his session work and songwriting. Sadly, Preston passed away on June 6, 2006. Hence, it makes sense for Trey to harken back to one of the early TAB funk staples to pay tribute to Preston, particularly now that the brass is back in the fold. Of the 30 occurrences of Will It Go Round’ In Circles by the various incarnations of Trey’s band, it’s been over three years since the last one and it’s only been played twice since Billy died. – RD
Audio: 7-31-2001 – Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre – Virginia Beach
Only Time Played: 10-25-2002 Stanley Theater – Utica, NY
Number Of Times Played: 1
Perhaps was played exactly once. It was a very memorable night, but history doesn’t really remember this original debut, more ingrained in everyone’s minds is the chunks of the balcony that started falling down onto the people below. TAB literally broke the Stanley Theater in Utica that night and the hotness of that Mr. Completely is to blame. Perhaps was a short little ditty that had tinges of Carlos Santana. There’s a nice back and forth between Trey and Jennifer, I am really quite baffled why this one got abandoned – and I hope it somehow gets back into that brain of his. – DO
Audio: 10-25-2002 Stanley Theater – Utica, NY
What songs do you want Trey and Classic TAB to play this tour? Leave a comment below with your choice(s).
37 Responses
In the Light – Led Zeppelin. Trey played it with 70 Volt Parade.
some great choices, but the correct answer is:
While Perhaps is certainly number one on my list of lost TAB songs, as I’ve made pretty clear to anyone who will listen to me on the subject, I really wish that they would bring back Til I Met You as well. It’s only performance was at the 3/2/1 show in Asheville.
I know it lives on to some degree as Sweet Dreams Melinda, but TIMY has so much more energy and is the far superior song.
Low – because it just hit me the other day how effin wicked the drum lines are.
Ripple(acoustic) – Slim chance in hell but Trey busted it out on Jerry’s Bday in 06 and I was brought to tears. So I’ll go with that
Sidewalks Of San Francisco. Great tune that seems to get lost in the shuffle a lot.
* Correction: Ripple was played in 05
Cincinnati – hands down
I’m hoping Exile on Main Street is still on Trey’s brain after Phish performed four different songs from the album during their post-8 Fall Tour. A first or second set opener of Rocks Off with the horns would mean Roofs Off for these small theaters.
Some fantastic choices here. Personally I would love to see Liquid Time and Perhaps played by this band. My # 1 request for TAB would be to bring back Javier Cinakowski…fun bouncy opening tune. I saw the first and last versions of Sledgehammer live. Definitely would like to see it played w/ a “real” band that he has now. Skeetosis didnt cut the mustard and the hornless band didnt help either.
Valentine – He debuted it at the Williamsburg show (and then played it twice more on the last tour). Lyrics are more of the Twelve-Step ‘self-help’ stuff from the last batch of songs, but the Trey jam is my fave of the newer songs. Was hoping it would make Phish setlists, but no such luck.
sultans would be sweet!
Aqui Como Alla
Small Axe
The Way I Feel
Ether Sunday
And what Ginz said.
It makes no difference hands down. Horns, Jennifer giving some good harmonies with Trey.
I mean Sledgehammer is fun and all but THE BAND is the fucking BAND.
I am in the Sidewalks Of San Francisco camp as well but I would also love to see the resurgence of Moazambique. This rager fits this current outfit very well and also happens to be on of my favorite TAB tunes.
while I was psyched when they busted out with Golden Age, I’ve long thought that Dancing Choose would be a much better TVOTR for TAB to play. That song would be monstrous with the horns.
Liquid Time and Gone off Party Time. I know Phish played it once but it really strikes me as a TAB tune.
Ether Sunday! Great call. I like all these calls. I’d also like to see ’em play Come As Melody. Trey crushed those solos.
Some great picks here, team. I’d love to see a return of each of the following:
Cover: I Am the Walrus — only saw the light of day with 70VP, seeing the improved version of that band (Tony Hall on bass) opening for the Rolling Stones and pulling out this tune was sick. Would love it with the horns.
Classic Phish: Stash — the TAB version is so huge. I’d also love to see it return as a tease in the middle of huge jams a la much of 2002.
New Phish: Light — it debuted with TAB, but the idea of that song being played with horns is just so mega. Mr. Completely->Light with a horn section would destroy my face.
Acoustic tune: Snowflakes in the Sand — I have to second that one, it’s clutch.
Classic TAB: 20 min. rage-fest versions of Push On.
Complete long-shot: House Where Nobody Lives by Tom Waits. Only played once at the Tibet House Benefit in 2002 (acoustic duet with David Byrne). Now that would be a treat.
Great call Hal on the Exile choices…
heady likes penis.
“Perhaps” does indeed sound like Santana. I’d never heard that song before, but it sounds like it could get super dirty.
-“In the night/In the wee wee hours”
All in CT please….
In a slightly different direction, but I think this band would kill Hey Ya! (by Outkast).
Preferably at the show in Charlottesville.
-“In the night/In the wee wee hours”
lots of great suggestions. i also love sultans of swing and sledgehammer…zeppelin or stones or a horns take on a phish song would be great as well…
but you know what would have me kicking myself if i missed it or have me talking about it for years if they actually played and i was there?
The National Anthem- Radiohead
if i knew that song was gonna be played by TAB i would buy a plane ticket immediately.
How about Ain’t No Sunshine (Bill Withers) with Jennifer Hartswick on lead vox?
Some kind of ventilator…
great HT staff and reader submissions.
That ‘perhaps’ is def. lost in the Utica rubble. would love to hear that again.
“round in circles”, Slegehammer’ and ‘sultans of swing’ are def. my short list of songs I’d like to hear again.
Don’t sleep on trey originals, “mr. completely and gotta jibboo’ this tour.
Also, I’d love for TAB to bring me back to the Flynn in Burlington where they dropped some sick Beastie Boys on us.
Anyone remember what Beastie Boys track they rocked?
ohhh so many options. sledgehammer, indeed. i would also enjoy seeing dig a pony again. bell bottom blues would be happy times. circles, always, yes. karma’s melody, dope. quantegy, more please. small axe, excellent.
songs we will most certainly get that i am burst at the seams giddy for – night speaks, last tube, ether sunday. because jen is gonna do it to you (it’s true).
i’m essentially down for everything. except let me lie.
i’ll stick with the experts at HT, but i do have to say the links to hear some of these versions is a nice little addition. and that 8 soundcheck video was great!
Of the Hidden Track staff selections, I most like “Makes No Difference” and “Golden Age” as ideas.
Skimming through the reader comments, I’m a big fan of bringing back “MOZAMBIQUE”, and “Cincinnati” always rips too.
I don’t think I saw anyone mention “Curlew’s Call,” which I love. Another request would be “Undermind” w/ the horns ripping it up.
Thanks Scotty B.
Great article!
I’d love to hear “Signed, Sealed, Delivered”
…in StL please!
I always thought “Easy” by the Commodores would be a fun song to cover especially if you have some horns and keys, this song has lots of room for Trey to improvise on the solo. I would love to hear this in K.C.
nice call on the Snowflakes in the Sand. i caught 2 of these in 1999, in Chicago and Madison, WI and they were both great!
Sultans was played at the TAB last year.