There’s been so many fake Bonnaroo lineups circulating over the past few weeks that it’s become difficult to figure out who you should believe. For instance, late last night the Live Daily website broke the story that Paul Simon will be among this year’s headliners, also hinting that another “Paul” would also be showing up in Manchester this year. Live Daily isn’t a site that writes articles based on rumors but they don’t usually break news either.
Whether both Simon and Macca will indeed be on the bill will all become clear next Tuesday when Superfly Productions and AC Entertainment reveal the Bonnaroo lineup throughout the day online. The producers of Bonnaroo must love all the hub-bub, paranoia and insanity that develops around this time each year as every music blogger and their brother tries to be the first to report the correct lineup.
To show some of the madness that’s been going on, we wanted to take a look at how a rumor spreads on the ‘net these days. Let’s take the case of this image featuring a purported Bonnaroo lineup. A poster on the Inforoo message board created the image around January 28 with Photoshop using last year’s ad-mat and typing in a number of artists that have been rumored to appear this year. The image circulated to a few other boards and someone sent the Superfly Twitter feed a copy of the image on January 29 to which Superfly responded…
“Not bad! We like this poster – can anyone top this lineup?” [@Superflygroup]
Once Superfly responded, the image spread like wildfire even winding up on Phantasy Tour this past Monday. Some folks were quick to debunk the graphic but a few jam-related blogs pushed the story by posting the lineup as fact. After a number of comments came in explaining that the graphic was created at Inforoo and wasn’t a “leak” those sites either took down or changed their posts. So you’d think after yesterday, when the articles about the Flaming Lips appearing at the ‘Roo came out, making it clear the graphic was indeed a fake, that it would stop circulating. No such luck. Our advice – keep your eyes on the news sources you trust over the next week or just ignore it all and wait for Tuesday’s announcement. – SB and JG
7 Responses
This wouldn’t be a bad line up…even if some of were to happen
Agreed Frinkazoid, and I think 50% of the lineup is correct
i only hope they can bring arcade fire and my morning jacket.. life would be awesome
speaking of things not to believe…i didn’t actually see 50 ways to leak a bonnaroo lineup listed in here. in all seriousness, i’m just messing around. i don’t care. great article. can’t wait for tuesday! gonna be like the nfl draft for bonnaroo phans!
pretty cool article. that image was made by me on inforoo. I didn’t come up with the fake lineup though…I just did the photoshop work. The lineup was someone else. We literally just made it and passed it around on there….but then emails got out and it started making it’s way around. pretty crazy stuff.