In an effort to focus our attention on something besides Phish for a change, we’ve decided at HT headquarters to (hopefully) drum up some good chatter about the final season of the greatest television show in the history of the idiot box. Check in on Wednesday of every week during Season 6 to share your thoughts, theories, complaints and assessments of the previous night’s episode. Big time SPOILER alert for anyone didn‘t watch yet.
Synopsis: As always, we teamed up with the Joker from Coventry for this week’s setlist and recap. Side note: Joker ran a reprint of his epic LOST/Phish Tees if anyone missed out the first time around. Check ’em out.
Geronimo Jackson, 3/10/2010
Set I – (On Island): Jungle Boogie (1)> Father & Daughter (2), Gravedigger (3), Suicide Soultion (4) > Dynamite (5) > Welcome To The World of The Plastic Beach (6)
Set II – (Off Island):Had a Dad (7)> Good (Evening) Little Schoolgirl (8), Another Brick In The Wall (9), Principal’s Office (10), Future’s so bright (I gotta wear shades) (11)
E) Yellow Submarine (12)
(1) Kool & the Gang; Ensemble Singing
(2) Paul Simon; Ilana & Ben
(3) Dave Matthews Band; Ben
(4) Ozzy Osbourne; Richard Alpert
(5) Jamiroquai; Unfinished, Jack and Richard Alpert
(6) Gorrillaz
(7) Jane’s Addiction; Ben & Dad
(8) Sonny Boy Williamson; Alex and Ben
(9) Pink Floyd
(10) Young MC; Ben Linus & Principal Reynolds
(11) Timbuk3; Alex
(12) Beatles; The Return of Widmore!
Epic One Liner of the Week: In a funny parallel to Artz getting the formaldehyde stain on his shirt off the island, I loved Hurley’s comment regarding the dynamite, “So did Dr. Arzt and I was wiping him out of my shirt two days later.”
Lost An Hour of My Life Moment: “I’m sorry that I killed Jacob. I am. And I do not expect you to forgive me, because… I can never forgive myself.”
We said it once and we’ll say it again, Lost always suffers when it comes to the sap. It’s like trying to throw a pass to Chris Chambers on a deep route; he is going to drop the ball. It’s like clockwork, er, clockbreak. Whatever. Despite being the best actor on the show, Ben’s sob story meltdown felt really awkward and not so believable.
Overall: While overall the all the episode left perhaps a slightly unsatisfying feeling, overall there was some top notch material here. In particular, the Richard Alpert back-story is really shaping up as we are clearly getting closer to getting the full details on him and his history with the Blackrock. We also thought that it was really cool to see Ben get some redemption and finally make a right choice in his decision to sacrifice his own personal gain for Alex. Overall Grade: B+
Discussion Points: 1) Now that we have the return of Charles Widmore, who do you reckon he’ll side up with, Jacob or MIB? 2) When Richard made mention that once Jacob touched him, he could no longer die unless killed by somebody else, does that same fate hold true for the rest of the Oceanic Six? 3) Did Jacob actually touch all of them? 4) Finally, think that was just a courtesy nod to rid the producers of Nicki and Paulo once and for all, or will they (and their diamonds) actually serve a purpose on this show after all?
10 Responses
I think Widmore will just side with whoever he thinks will come out on top.
And that Jacob might not have toucbed somebody, and that person will become very important.
That’s what I was thinking about Jacob too. There’s a couple I can’t remember if he actually touched. Sawyer for instance, I think he may have just handed a pencil and Jack a candy bar. Locke he definitely touched.
” think he may have just handed a pencil and Jack a candy bar”
Well at least with Jack, I’m pretty sure thereplays have showed that they had a short sensual contact. A nice brushing of the fingers on the hand…obviously they will get gay married in the last episode.
loved it when Hurley asked if Richard is a cyborg like from “Terminator.”
the writers had some nice touches in this epidode- Ben learned the lesson Napoleon didn’t: Exile really is worse than losing your power. Also it was nice to see ben giving his dad oxygen to keep him alive instead of giving him nerve gas.
next week may be a great one where a lot really happens- they couldnt show us anything in the preview, and now both sides are assembled and we got widmore into the mix.
I just know were headed for the inevitable Jack/Kate “Hey”, “hey” moment again. Ugh. For gods sake, just be together already!
Fantastic questions raised in office roundtable discussion this AM?
1. Sayid comes back from the jungle and the voice of reason to stay alive is the fucking stewardess???
2. Those kids she kidnapped from the tail section? They weren’t infants. Don’t they have any fucking questions? I’d start with “how did my mom get replaced with a stewardess?” and “why are we so fucking dirty and Kate looks relatively hot?”
3. How is everyone gonna get to the Hydra station? MIB has a boat to get 50 people across the ocean? Hopefully he’ll just turn into the smoke monster and carry them. “Choo-choo, everyone hop on the express train”
Hold up.. I could have sworn Ben was teasing Alanis Morissette’s ‘Ironic’ all throughout the second set..