Stanton Moore Trio – Squash Blossom, Root Cellar
Date & Venue: 2010-09-21 The Paradise – Boston, MA
Taper & Show Download: Bob Hundertmark
Every now and again, the tapers just write this thing for me. From the taper,
Great set by the Trio. Anders Osborne guested in the first set not present in this source, but recorded by others.
I originally thought I’d patch from one of the usual suspects but they recorded up in the balcony which was technically closed, and I stayed on the floor.
At the beginning of the second set, I found myself first row at the stage with a Sony PCM-M10 in my pocket, so I turned it on and put it on the stage between Stanton and Will.
Although it’s no match for Gefells or AKGs with outboard preamps and ADCs, it’s almost silly how good this sounds for a pocket recorder with internal mics. Since I haven’t seen any of the big rig sources up yet, I figured I’d post this. Enjoy. go see these guys. buy their stuff.
Silly indeed. The Stanton Moore Trio, which features Will Bernard (guitar) and Wil Blades (Hammond B3) [tour dates] plays tonight at Vaudeville Mews in Des Moines, IA.
[audio:]Video from Brooklyn Bowl of the Stanton Moore Trio supporting opening act Anders Osborne.
Umphrey’s McGee – Got Your Milk (Right Here) > Push The Pig
Date & Venue: 2010-09-23 The Valarium – Knoxville, TN
Taper & Show Download: David Randle
When Got Your Milk (Right Here) debuted on the Umphrey’s McGee stage in 2005 it was a short, radio-friendly rocker with some quirky lyrics hearkening back to the Clinton/Lewinsky days. In 2010, GYM(RH) is more often than not open-ended and leads to awesome results. UM [tour dates] plays tomorrow night at The Depot in Salt Lake City, UT.
Video from a few nights later:
Wilco – California Stars, The Late Greats, Red-Eyed & Blue, I Got You (At The End Of The Century)
Date & Venue: 2010-09-23 Gasometer – Vienna, Austria
Taper & Show Download: Gordon Wilson
Wilco has a way with encores. This isn’t even the FULL encore and I really dig this performance of Red-Eyed & Blue. No future dates currently on the books for Wilco, but frontman Jeff Tweedy will be playing Farm Aid on Saturday October 2nd.
[audio:]Looks like Wilco’s strict no photo/video policy might be a bit more lax in other countries: