Can punk rockers get old and still retain relevance and firepower? Yuppicide’s newest release Revenge Regret Repeat answers that inquiry with a resounding, Hell Yes!
After raging to prominence in the New York hardcore scene during the early 90’s the Brooklyn based band has comeback in the late ‘10’s with one of the best albums of their career. The group has stayed economical with songs that are fast and hard, jamming ten tracks into thirty minutes, however the speed and fury is balanced with nuanced grooves and tight solos that propel the action forward.
Opener “Spread the Infection” announces its presence with aggression as the band gets its revenge into gear. Guitarist Steven Karp takes the lead on the musical side of things as the shout-along “You’re Gonna Get It” shreds before a slamming breakdown while”King of the Dicks” is straight ahead old school power. “Ghosts” is a late album ska/reggae influenced banger that adds more musical spice to things.
The playing is tight and extra attention should be given to the stunningly accentuated production which makes the aggression sound glorious, handled by Glen Lorieo, making the aggression sound glorious, but it is frontman Jesse Jones lyrics that elevate this album into unique territory. Sure, it is sexy to sing of the troubles of youth but middle age angst has more pressure surrounding it; even if that stress is a bit pudgier and with receding hairlines.
On the song “Obsolete” (whose tone is set with a Falling Down quote) Jones nails the malaise that can encompass a sense of hopelessness during a major life change (job/divorce/death/eviction). “Close your eyes too long/Gonna miss what’s going on” these topics rarely receive the attention of songwriters and especially not of bands with this much anger still pumping through their veins. The fact that memorable phrases such as “like counting on a hand short of fingers” or “Last in line for the gangbang” are included makes the track resonate even more.
“Sabotage” is more general in it’s midlife stagnation/explosion and the brilliant George Carlin sample that bookends “Political Game” reinforces Yuppicide’s hatred for corporate greed and the system surrounding it. The group has never been shy around politics or current events and age has not softened the players, in fact it has made them sharper and better than ever.