SONG PREMIERE: Vista Kicks Share Bombastic Rock and Roll Double Dose With “Million Dollar Seller” and “Numbers”

Following a string of sold-out shows at legendary spots like The Troubadour and strong critical praise, buzzed-about indie band Vista Kicks recently shared the details for their second full-length offering, Twenty Something Nightmare, which is due out Friday, July 13 via the group’s own Little Hook Records. In order to shock this 18-track opus to life, the quartet personally co-produced the music and it proved to be a seamless follow-up to 2017’s well-received Booty Shakers Ball album.

“The creative process was quick,” said Derek Thomas (vocals). “We wrote most of [this album] after recording Booty Shakers Ball. We had about 10 days to arrange and workshop everything and a month to record. Our aim is to make songs that are both satisfying to us and useful to people. We’re growing, and our music is growing too.”

Once again, the band amplifies the scope of their signature style as they maintain the edge that made them, “The Originators of Booty Shaking Rock N’ Roll.” This journey kicks off with the slick strut and wild riffing of opener “Million Dollar Seller,” shuffling between a staunch groove and bluesy bombast. Today Glide is excited to premiere that song along with the tune “Numbers”, both of which embody this band’s huge rock and roll sound. The band is releasing these singles into the public domain, meaning there is no copyright and anyone can sync in a movie or sample for free. This is an interesting move for a band these days when it’s already difficult to financially survive on art…but they feel strongly that art should be free for all.

Explaining “Million Dollar Seller”, vocalist Derek Thomas says, “We wanted something that would sound like Hannibal crossing the alps on war elephants, but since elephants are notoriously late to rehearsal, we distorted a saxophone and a bari sax and mixed it with a D.I. Guitar and Bass to make the introduction sound epic.”

On “Numbers”, he points out that, “Our start was modest, we performed for tips and tried to make money with our music. At certain points in our career we lived in our car, lived in a one bedroom (all four of us), and lived in our studio, showering with the hose and cooking on a propane burner. Our hardships made us realize how hard life is for many people in the U.S., and in other countries. We chose this song to release to the Public Domain as tribute to the people in the street, and to the everyday struggle.”

In regards to the decision to make this release both a two-sided single and on public domain, Thomas offers his logic: “We thought, it’s a double album, we might as well have double singles. More importantly, we’re releasing these two songs to Public Domain so that the world can use our art in any way people can dream of. Releasing two songs on a single is just more bang for your buck; it’s a two for one special. Ideas that are public domain transcend the barriers of copyright.”


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