SONG PREMIERE: Camper Van Beethoven’s Victor Krummenacher Goes For 70s Country Rock Sound With “Blue Pacific”

Next spring Victor Krummenacher will be releasing his latest album, Blue Pacific (out March 1st, 2019). This will mark his ninth solo effort away from his two co-founding bands – the pioneering indie-rock group Camper Van Beethoven and the art-rock collective, Monks of Doom. The inception of this emotionally-charged project started nearly a year after his divorce, and, as it turns out, it’s one-part exorcism and one-part an effort to heal and put it all behind him.

Despite the fact this record was a direct result of so much pain, heartache and hurdles, musically it turns out to be one of Krummenacher’s most rewarding efforts of his lengthy career – be it solo, or with his other bands. From beautifully reflective numbers such as “No One Left To Remember, No One Left To Tell,” “Skin & Bones” and “Nowhere Out There On The Line” to the sturdier, high-energy tracks like “The Prettiest Train,” “Some Time Ago,” “Lawrence in the Desert” and the infectious title track, this is an album that satisfies on so many levels. Throughout this sprawling effort, Krummenacher channels a number of the musicians and bands that have influenced him over the years, such as The Stones, The Dead, The E Street Band, Elvis Costello, The Flying Burrito Brothers and, perhaps more than any other, Pete Townshend.

Today Glide is excited to premiere the title track off Blue Pacific. Dropping in with a catchy guitar and bass hook, Krummenacher seems to have an airy resilience in his voice as he sings “Blue Pacific call my mind”. The song brings to mind the West Coast country rock style of groups like the Byrds and Poco as the chorus lingers and beckons the listener to soak up some sunshine and sing along. There is definitely a 70s rock sound to the song, and Krummenacher turns things up with a faster groove and an eruption of soloing and harmonies that drive the lyrics home. 

Krummenacher shares his own story behind the song:

“‘Blue Pacific’ is a true story. A lot of people have self destructed in my life, and I always have a hard time understanding what keeps someone from pulling out of the spiral. Sometimes the only sane option you can choose is to cut the person who is suffering out of your life as a means of self preservation. This song happened as those circumstances were unfolding for me. I had gone to San Gregorio Beach on Thanksgiving Day just to think about what I was going through. It was a stunning, sunny day, and because of the holiday, the beach was quiet. The only other person around was a guy in his 20’s who looked to be in really bad shape. I was walking up to some cliffs and passed him and he looked at me and smiled. He looked sad, lost, fucked up and desperate. I headed up to the cliffs and he was gone when I came back down. I headed off to Thanksgiving dinner and wrote the song in my head on the way. I sat down with a guitar when I got home, and it came out pretty much as you hear it here. I don’t know how that happens, but songs do sometimes just appear. I’m glad I got this one.”


Victor Krummenacher’s Blue Pacific will be available March 1st, 2019 on 2-LP vinyl on three sides (limited to 200 copies), CD, digital and streaming formats via Veritas Recordings. He will be performing Thu. Dec. 13th at The Lost Church in San Francisco. More U.S. tour dates to be announced soon. For more music and info visit

Photo credit: Kelly Van Den Berghe

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