Movie Review: Abortion: Stories Women Tell

The last years have been marked by a lot of protests, cultural and perspective shifts. But one of the things that divide the world in two is abortion. The movie industry has also tried to shed a light on this subject and the stories behind it. So, a lot of documentaries about abortion have been launched on the market. 

Before Abortion: Stories Women Tell was launched back in 2016, other producers tried to approach this subject from different angles. We have Trapped, where filmmaker Dawn Porter tries to show how the law system affects abortion in different states, and the clinics, doctors, and patients involved. After Tiller is about doctors that are risk-performing an abortion in the third semester. 

And then Abortion: Stories Women Tell is launched on the movie market. Just by reading the movie title you just know that this documentary movie will be different. Tracy Droz Tragos is the director and producer of this amazing documentary that aims to show the raw experiences of people involved in an abortion. 

Even though it lasts only 1 hour and a half, the documentary is filled with real-life experiences where women that chose abortion to share their reasons to do this. This documentary also has a nomination at News & Documentary Movie Award for the category Outstanding Social Issue Documentary. This is because it comes with immense value both for people that oppose abortion and not. 

The stories of the women in the movie documentary are some of the most relatable ones. They are resonant both for men and women as they also shed a light on some of the most pressing issues our society has. Many people think about abortion as a theoretical experience, yet many women go through it annually. 

Their stories are heart-wrenching. Some have abusive and violent relationships and know that if they bring their child to the world, his health and functioning will be affected by growing with an abusive father. Others have done all the prenatal analysis and investigation and know that if they give birth, their baby will not survive. There are raw stories of women that struggle with raising their children and know that, if they give birth, they will not have the resources necessary to feed the whole family. What Tragos tried to bring to light was the silent story of every woman that gets an abortion. And maybe the most important characteristic of this movie documentary is that it is free of judgment. 

No one that appears in this documentary expressing its opinion is judged. It is actually a depiction of how reality is, both with its good and bad parts. What was kind of a pleasant surprise was that Tragos was involved in this documentary in all the categories of people active in this area.

Besides women that decide to get an abortion, some doctors perform it, the staff of the clinic, or activists that do not approve of this practice. Abortion is still illegal in some countries and this is because of the protests and strong opposition life activists express. By watching this movie documentary, you will catch a glimpse of why is this war on abortion that divides people in two. 

The producers emphasize that every woman has her own reasons for doing this, but without making this movie a political statement in any way. It is just a documentary that aims to present the raw experience of women who experience an unplanned pregnancy, abusive relationships, or financial issues and for which, abortion is the natural and most right solution. 

On the opposite spectrum are activists who believe that life starts when you are just an embryo and this is why abortion is considered a crime. But even though Tragos chose to present both parts of the story, it does not give so much time to those that oppose abortion. It is more like a mere mention and concise presentation of the other point of view. 

The movie also has enlightening and heart-warming moments. One of these moments is the one where an assistant at the clinic sings “Jesus Loves Me” along with protestors. This is a genuine and authentic moment that shows that love can heal everything. And that we should not judge others based on what we think we know about them. 

At the same time, the movie ends with one of the most encouraging and delightful lines ever expressed in a documentary about abortion: do what you think is right. This line is an inspiring one, especially for women that are thinking about getting an abortion. This movie shows the humanity and courage many women need in their journey. 

Essay Examples About Abortion 

Abortion is a topic that is widely discussed and argued during college. Students that are pursuing education at university know that writing an abortion essay is the most common task teachers give. This is because abortion is a sensitive topic and it also creates the perfect opportunity for students to learn how to argue their points of view. Argumentative essays about abortion are some of the most challenging tasks, but you can search for free essay samples to get inspired. Moreover, this movie documentary along with other essay examples will help you write an inspiring, powerful, and inspiring essay on abortion. 

Author Bio: Vendy Adams is a blogger and journalist. She collaborates with local magazines and newspapers. In her weekly column, Vendy shares stories and facts about abortion and teen pregnancy.

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