Jeremy Garrett, the raging fiddler from the GRAMMY-winning Infamous Stringdusters, professes a “demi-god” playing ability amongst the band’s fans and those in the know in the newgrass community. Let’s just say he simply rips, and if his band serpented the mainstream, there’s a good chance Garrett would grace the cover of a proposed Fiddle magazine.
Garrett continues to release exploratory, creative singles, blending traits from fundamentally different realms of music. Using a sort of technological wizardry he’s dubbed “Fiddle Science,” Garrett layers loops of his instruments, a skill he carries beyond the studio and into live performances.
Glide is premiering “Won’t You Remember My Name,” a blistering sound collage that churns with a modern rock urgency yet retains a stringy undercurrent. While everyone in the scene is focusing on a certain Billy, let’s give kudos to Jeremy Garrett who is reinventing the fiddle wheel as come out of lockdown.