The analysis of a cinematographic work aims to explain the meaning of a film or a sequence. To do this, it is essential to have empirical knowledge on the seventh art, but above all to have a real cinematographic culture as a spectator.
Why Analyze A Film?
The analysis of a film especially when you ask someone to “do my essay” on this subject, online essay writing service will help you to consists above all in studying the scenario, the construction of the plans, the soundtrack, the framing, the editing and the developed themes. Be careful, it is important not to confuse the analysis of a cinematographic work with the writing of a review. In any case, its purpose is not to issue a value judgment. It must always serve to express feelings and provide a general vision of the scope of the film.
How To Analyze A Filmographic Work?
The analysis of a cinematographic work always requires methodology as it might be difficult to avoid simply retelling the plot or expressing your opinion without proper analysis. Apart from that, closely watching a movie or TV show is a tedious task. In such cases, a movie research paper writing by Edubirdie will be the saving hand for students. Research assignments require a lot of time and preparation that students may not have, so a little help always comes in handy.
Whatever your situation is, it is essential to be aware of how to write a proper review. So, let’s take a closer look at the main elements to analyze in order to achieve a good film analysis.
General presentation of the film
The analysis of a film necessarily begins by evoking its title. You will also remember to indicate the name of the director, the year of release, the historical context as well as the number of admissions of the film to the cinema.
A scenario study can also be used to support the general presentation of the work.
Give your opinion quickly
Don’t let the reader wonder if you liked the movie or not. You will have time to develop the reasons for your opinion later.
Develop your arguments based on tangible evidence gathered during the viewing of the film. Watch the movie or parts that interest you. No one will care about your opinion if you don’t try to argue it.
Study of plans and film clips
A film analysis necessarily requires a study of the shots and sequences that form the cinematographic narrative. It will then be necessary to describe the shots in order to indicate the movements and techniques of the camera. (panoramic view, diving, traveling, zoom, shoulder camera ..).
Sound band analysis
You can talk about the soundtrack and show how it influences the action or guides the narration of the work. Sounds outside the story, also called background music, should also be included in the study.
Assembly analysis
Editing is in fact an assembly of images and shots filmed during the shooting. For a film analysis, you will have to study the sequence of shots and say what type of editing it is: parallel editing, anachronistic editing, chronological editing, cut editing …
The pace of the staging should also be described: slow pace or fast pace?
Express your personality
This is not an essay, so you should make your mark in this review. If your writing style is pretty cool, your article should be too. If you are more serious and dramatic, use this tone as well. Your style should reflect your personality, because that’s what the reader will like.
So What Is Film Analysis?
A cinematographic analysis is:
1) Look for the relationships between the signified and the signifier
Such a moment, such a sequence mobilizes the attention of the spectator. The analysis should try to explain the issues between a possible meaning and a form.
2) Investigate the relationship between the filmic work and the viewer
For this part of the analysis, you can use psychoanalysis, the ideas of the film and the story in general. The study of the possible meanings of a cinematographic work must correspond to a clearly supported hypothesis (what do you want to say about the film?)
Finally, you will broaden your film analysis by evoking what already exists in this field of research.
In summary, the method of analysis must allow you to validate your critical gaze without ever distorting the work.