LISTEN: Nashville’s Palm Ghosts Share Post Punk Stunner “Bloodlight”

Nashvile’s Palm Ghosts will release their anticipated new full-length album, The Lost Frequency on November 19. The Lost Frequency follows up the band’s acclaimed album Lifeboat Candidate which was released earlier this year. Lifeboat Candidate is a giant ear worm on unrest, isolation, and frustration. While the world has not changed much since then, Palm Ghosts’ new album The Lost Frequency is different. It is an album lost to the pandemic (literally it was supposed to be released last year). It hearkens back to before this life in stasis, back to when things were almost normal, which is what we are all clamoring for again – normalcy…a sense of calm after a year lost.  

The band has shared “Bloodlight,” the album’s opener and first single to be lifted from the forthcoming release. Check it out below,,

On the song, Palm Ghosts’ Joseph Lekkas says, “‘Bloodlight’ is a dark dance track that compares the climate crisis to a crime scene.” He adds, “Luminol is a chemical commonly used in forensics for the detection of blood stains. Nothing vanishes without a trace  and particles of blood adhere to surfaces for years. The same applies to what humans have done to the earth. The damage will remain long after we are gone.”

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