Silver Liz, the Brooklyn-based husband/wife duo of Carrie and Matt Wagner, is unafraid to explore entirely disparate genres. After releasing their first album in 2017 filled with shoegaze and dream pop indebted to My Bloody Valentine and Slowdive, they recently released two dance tracks, both of which climbed to #1 on Hype Machine and received praise from sites such as HighClouds and Indie Shuffle. Performances of these dance tracks also earned them a victory in a VR Battle of The Bands hosted by George Clanton & Neggy Gemmy’s 100% Electronica label in March 2021.
On melodically slinky indie gem, “Until Lately” from Silver Liz (below), melodic efficiency flies with ease. And with nostalgic temperament, Carrie’s voice is reminiscent of a more pure era of indie rock where Throwing Muses and Belly ruled best.
“I remember playing the song for Matt for the first time. He… hated it,” Carrie recalls. “It was very earnest compared to more cryptic lyrics I had written in the past. While the lyrics aren’t completely based on my personal experience, I heightened the feelings of jealousy I sometimes had as a kid and that I still experience. When I would introduce myself to people just a few years ago, I felt weird putting out into the world that making music was what I wanted to do, because in a few of my social circles that was confusing to people. Thankfully my insecurities around that have subsided more and more over the years, and the song alludes to that.”