LISTEN: Goon Dives Into Dreamlike Modern Shoegaze Via “Ochre”

Don’t let “Ochre” the latest shoegazey indie-rock single from LA’s up-and-coming Goon, fool you with its moony vocals and vibrant, dusky backdrop of comforting guitar chords, droning synths, and enveloping warm blanket of a ride cymbal. There’s an underlying darkness to the song; apocalyptic images, destruction, and even (possibly?) malicious aliens. Despite dealing with anxiety-inducing themes, “Ochre”, is a beautiful meditative piece that urges listeners to find moments of comfort and silence in their lives even as the world ignites around us. Goon’s full-length album Hour of Green Evening, is out July 15. 

“This song was inspired by a series of nights where my anxiety was so bad, I had to get up and just walk around and play guitar. Over the course of like three nights, I had written the whole song. There’s this bit towards the end that says “I’m leaving that season after all” which was just wishful thinking when I wrote it. But it was rooted in that idea of how every seemingly insurmountable thing you encounter does eventually pass, and can seem like not such a big deal in hindsight.

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